Hashtags for Instagram: how to set popular


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Instagram hashtags are a way to search for videos or photos, the ability to promote publications on specific requests. Essential for online business, personal pages and blogs. Thanks short phrases, the page owner can get more likes and comments, thereby raising the post in “Popular”.

Where hashtags are used

Instagram users write short requests in the description of Publications, Stories, and Images. Hashtags for promotion used only in signatures, from where other participants of social networks can find a post. Details of recent entries appear, if you click on the phrase.

The categories are:

  • Popular posts The ones that have been viewed the greatest number of times;
  • recently published. Pictures or videos posted by a couple minutes ago;
  • similar. Used most often by other users.
  • an account that promotes publications on a specified hashtag. Instagram hashtagsInstagram hashtags

Bloggers often create their own queries for which you can find their account or individual entries. Clicking on someone else’s page on a unique tag, the user will see all the posts, related to this topic.

How to use

On your personal page, the most popular hashtags can be used in profile description or under publications. For quick search they write comments there, in order to additionally display the page in TOP The query looks like this: “# (phrase)”, without spaces.

To add hashtags for followers in your profile description:

  1. Use the mobile or computer version Instagram.
  2. Log in, go to account editing.
  3. In the line about yourself put “# word”. Hashtags on Instagram ><img decoding=Hashtags on Instagram description

You can create hashtags for likes using mobile apps, as well as online services for selecting popular topics. It is important that the queries used matched the profile topic.

TOP tag applications

One way to add hashtags is to use mobile app. They can be found on request in the Play Market and App Store From popular:

  • Leetags. Designed to search for English tags, shows catalog of possible phrases for promotion;
  • Hashtags Instagram. A functional tool where you can save previously used words, find the most popular ones, take advantage of page promotion;
  • HashTags. Russian-language, where you can add any phrases or quotes. The application will tell you what requests are relevant now.

Using the “Hashtags Instagram” example, instructions on how to use applications:

  1. Download and install from the content store.
  2. In the search bar, enter the desired query.
  3. A list of new and previously used tags appears. Hashtags Instagram applicationHashtags Instagram application
  4. Select the necessary ones – the “Copy” button.
  5. When posting, insert by standard functions. Instagram copy hashtagInstagram copy hashtag

Popular queries are also prompted by the social network itself, when the user points out some of the tags. Can choose from a list of those that are suitable for page promotion.

In the browser version, you can use the InstaTag website. Not necessary registration: enter the page and enter the desired request. Tags divided into categories: main, mixed and additional sections.

For subscriptions and likes

If the purpose of the account holder is only to recruit an audience and likes, you need to use this TOP hashtags:

Follow4follow, f4f, likeme, girls or boys, teamfollowerback, liker, liking.

For comments:

Commenter, commentbackteam, pleasefogiveme, instagood.

Writing such hashtags is only worth it if the owner pages ready to like “Like” or write comments. Used only in personal profiles and at the start blog development.

For girls, Russian hashtags are suitable by type: girls, girls, beauty, woman, dreams.

Guys: man dreams, boy, guy, best.

Using hashtags for Instagram, the user can declare your page to a wide audience.

Tip: making tags in Russian and English, there is a chance increase the number of views and subscriptions to your page.

What hashtags can’t be set on Instagram

Instagram regularly updates the terms of use and confidentiality. The same thing happens with the issuance algorithm. publications.

Some of the posts will not be shown in the “Popular” section. if:

  • the user has applied “forbidden” hashtags;
  • high-frequency tags;
  • the same tag is repeated in all posts.

So, tags for “likes” and “subscriptions”, their organic promotion, now banned. If the user specifies in the description: “Like” or write the same in the comments – the publication will not be in the TOP.

Otherwise, with high-frequency queries, where the problem is speed data updates. If you use the tag that you specify more often once per second – it will quickly go to the last pages in section: Recent. Accordingly, the potential audience is not will be able to see or even see the post in the SERP.

By posting on Instagram, you need to regularly change the hashtags. By specifying the same query, the user runs the risk of falling under “temporary lock”. Therefore, it’s better to create separate tags for certain topics or regularly pick up new key the words.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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