How to add a link – swipe to Instagram History: all ways


The content of the article:

Only users can make a link to Instagram Stories, who reached 10,000 subscribers. For the rest there is a couple methods that are often used as an alternative.

Only bloggers can add a link in History so far, company pages and online stores. Number of subscribers must be more than 10,000.

Other prerequisites:

  • open profile type. Closed owners pages inaccessible links;
  • business status. Accounts with this format may run ads, share information about other profiles;
  • optional: confirmed status.

Advertising open profile on InstagramAdvertising open profile on Instagram

Other pages can be made active in Storis via function “mention” and only friendly Instagram profile.

Also, owners of personal and small business pages use method for manually entering the site address. Or, they run ads in Stories, where through the settings add a button: “Go”, Open or others.

Swipe, in translation, means “pressing” and action. That is, by clicking on the active address, the user immediately goes to to another page. Swipe – “swipe” or click, came from dating sites where that term applies to search for partners.

On Instagram, the term has taken root as a standard action buttons, which is located on the publication. Swipe link happens in publications and stories. In the latter case, Facebook Business offers customers various options: place a button on swipe, add text or just leave without signature.

In Istagram, the swipe system looks like this:

  1. The account holder creates ads through Facebook Manager.
  2. In the settings indicates the action button: “Open”. Instagram site add swipe buttonInstagram site add swipe button
  3. After moderation and posting, a darkened screen appears bottom vignette and button. Settings on ADS Manager for InstagramSettings on ADS Manager for Instagram
  4. A potential customer must swipe up in History Instagram to go to the specified address.
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At the moment, users rarely click on such suggestions: someone just doesn’t know how to use, others just ignored. For a link to stand out on publications, it needs to be draw and focus the viewer’s attention.

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You can insert a swipe in the advertising settings: via Instagram or Facebook Manager. The latter option opens up more possibilities: from the choice of display days to the fine-tuning of the link button.

To start an advertisement with a link, the user needs to connect profile from Facebook and create an advertising profile.

Instructions on how to add a swipe without 10,000 subscribers:

  1. Go to Facebook AdsManager (panel on the left).
  2. Click “Create Ad” – select in Instagram settings.
  3. Go to “Select a distribution type for ads “- Link.
  4. Download media file – add a URL to a website or store.
  5. Indicate publication parameters: audience, number of days and daily payment.
  6. Publish – wait for moderation.

For owners of large accounts, the following functions are available:

  1. Go to Instagram – Stories.
  2. Add photo or video – click on top “Link”.
  3. Configure swipe: next to the URL section, click on “+” – enter the address.
  4. Add an animation or other attractive object.
  5. Post to Stories.

You can swipe this way on Android and iOS. The main thing – comply with the requirements of the social network. For users who do not reached that number of subscribers, the function will not appear. Also The version of the application is affected: you need to update the latest.

Using Ads Manager, the address will immediately appear with a button. IN other cases apply: GIF animations prepared in advance photos with stickers.

Bloggers use GIFs this way:

  1. Create a story with a link.
  2. Go to the “Stickers” section – enter in the search “Arrow”. Arrow Stickers on InstagramArrow Stickers on Instagram
  3. Choose any option you like.

There are options in the catalog with a standard index showing down, and the text: “Pull up.” To a pre-created picture also add animation or text indicating a link or other action.

By attaching a swipe to Instagram, the page owner becomes additional statistics functions are available: number of clicks and transitions.

Located in the “Statistics” section, where the indicator audience interest. In addition to stickers and text, make video with a little instruction.

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For example, a blogger added a link and tells viewers: “To go to my site – pull up. “A message is displayed on the screen, entered through the text tool.

You can redirect viewers to other accounts from any account. In the category “Stickers” there is an inscription: “Mention.” Clicking on it displays a graphic the object where the nickname of another user is entered. Also add through the text part, just entering a nickname with the symbol: “dog”.

How to add swipe to other profiles on Instagram:

  1. Create History – go to Stickers.
  2. Select “Mention” – enter nickname. Sticker mention on InstagramSticker mention on Instagram
  3. Publish in your own.

By clicking on the link, the visitor will see an avatar and a short description another profile. To go, you need to click on the address.

Make History with swipe using text:

  1. Go to Stories – click “Text”.
  2. Enter the symbol “@” and nickname. An example of simple advertising on Storis InstagramAn example of simple advertising on Storis Instagram
  3. Sign: “Go to your profile” – Publish.

In the first case, an active link will be created. In the second – viewers need to enter a nickname in the search to find the specified Instagram page.

Possible difficulties and problems when adding

To make a swipe to Storys, the account owner must advance prepare:

  • update application version. Go to Play Market or AppStore and go to the page with Insatagram. Click on the Refresh button if it appears;
  • even with 10,000 subscribers there is no icon “Link”. So the profile is not in business status or subscribers were wound;
  • Swipe up does not work. Link cannot be opened or it doesn’t lead to the site: the user did not provide a URL or a a technical error.

It is more difficult to make a swipe on Instagram Storis using Ads Manager. The profile owner needs to understand how Facebook ads work, audience settings and campaign pay. Otherwise, make a link in Instagram History available through one button and Extra options.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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