How to ask an anonymous question on Instagram Stories (+ ideas)?


Do you like to do polls? Try also ask (anonymous) question on Instagram Stories!

In fact, the questions are not entirely anonymous. Anyone who asked it will see both the answers and the account of the responder. But if he will want to post your answer on his Instagram account, that name account will not be visible, only an anonymous answer.

Bloggers do use Questions, Quizzes, Chats. It is not simple a way to “get to know you closer” with subscribers, but also increase coverage.

What questions can I ask on Instagram? Look at the end articles.

How to ask an anonymous question on Instagram in stories?

  1. Open the camera Storis, take photos / videos. Push button Sticker. At the bottom, select the “QUESTIONS” sticker. how to ask a question on Instagramanonymous questions instagram story
  2. Come up with your question (write it on the spot “Ask me question “). Or vice versa, you can invite subscribers to ask you question and then answer it on Instagram Stories. how to ask a question on instagram in storyanonymous question on instagram
  3. Done! Click below “Your Story” and the question will load into your Instagram Stories.

How to look and answer questions on Instagram Stories?

After you ask a question in the Stories, you can look statistics and answers. You will see the avatars and account names of those who asked. But you can answer your own stories anonymously (account name respondents will not be visible).

  1. Open the Story with a question. Swipe up and down. You will see the answers and statistics. In the screenshot we missed the names accounts, but in your story you’ll see who and how answered question (i.e. in fact the answers / questions are not anonymous !!!). how to see the answer to a question on Instagram
  2. To post any of the answers on your Instagram account Stories, click on the desired one and select “Share answer.” Answer will be published anonymously. how to upload an answer to Storys Instagramanonymous question Instagram story answer

How to answer a few questions? Do screenshot with answers, upload it to History and write answers on top screenshot.

What questions can I ask on Instagram Stories?

Questions are a convenient tool for engaging subscribers and Increase Coverage.

Interesting questions in Blogger Stories:

  1. Content Ideas: Ask What Subscribers Want to See in account what topics.
  2. Ask subscribers what city they are from, how much they years.
  3. Tips – where to go on vacation?
  4. How to get dressed? Ask what suits these jeans, where to buy such a dress, where to find trending things, etc.
  5. Work delicious recipe?
  6. Acne cosmetics, perfect lipstick, soft the wash.
  7. Why / how did you follow me? How did you find out?
  8. How much money do you need per month for a happy life?
  9. Your most expensive purchase and have you paid off? Not regret it
  10. The dumbest joke?
  11. What university do you study / studied at? Take back time – would you study?
  12. How to find friends in a new company?
  13. A song that comes from every iron and that infuriates
  14. Android or iPhone?
  15. The best advice you have ever received?
  16. The strangest birthday present that you gave?

Interesting questions on Instagram for business accounts:

  1. Ask what subscribers like about your account and what don’t highly.
  2. Insta shops may ask what subscribers are missing in assortment or before purchasing, invite subscribers to choose model or write your wishes.
  3. Real reviews!
  4. If you are an expert, arrange a mini-consultation through Questions.
  5. Order form. Publish a product / service to the story, and through Question ask to leave contacts for the order.
  6. Situational marketing. For each event (New Year, March 8 and etc.) you can ask questions – what to give, how to celebrate and etc.
  7. Raffle. Come up with a question for the draw and collect answers through Questions in Stories.

In the first day, almost every self-respecting blogger managed try “Ask me a question.” And such an influx spawned memes.

how to instagram ask me a questionhow to instagram ask me a question

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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