How to respond to a comment on Instagram


How to respond to a comment on Instagram

Updated – September 17, 2019

You can always reply to a comment on Instagram, especially if the publication caused a discussion.

The answer creates a special branch to transform the general view and don’t get confused in the comments.

How to respond to a comment on Instagram

  1. Открываем комментарии How to respond to a comment on Instagram к публикации.
  2. Under the necessary comment we touch “Reply”.
  3. We write a comment and publish it.
  • You can answer in beautiful font or strikethrough text (see article).

Where will my response to the comment be posted?

For each comment a special branch of answers is created. There and Your answer will be posted.

How to respond to a person on Instagram in a different way? So that the answer is not in the branch, but as a separate comment?

Yes. There is another option. Need to mention in the comments in Instagram (see article) with a special @ sign, after which write user nickname.

Then write and post the comment itself. User will receive a notification on Instagram and pay attention to your answer.

How to respond to comments on Instagram beautifully?

Here already in each specific case there should be its own answer. No one will tell you how to respond to comments correctly. Imagine yourself.

How to delete a response to a comment?

In the same way as deleting a comment on Instagram (see article). Just remember that you can only delete your answer to any publication and any response to your entry.

How to respond to a comment on Instagram from a computer?

There are no comment branches in the web version. To answer you need to enter the @ sign, followed by the user’s nickname, and then the comment itself (e.g. @dikiyaleks totally agree with you).

I do not want to receive answers to comments, what should I do?

There is only one way out: you need to disable comments on Instagram (see in the article) to a specific publication.

Video lesson on how to respond to a comment in Instagram.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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