Search on Instagram on a computer


You can also search for profiles of people and publications by hashtags with computer in the web version of Instagram. The search string is in the header. site in the middle.


If you write in it the name and surname of the person you are looking for, or just any Russian word, you will be shown as users whose field “first and last name” coincides with the fact that you entered and hashtags.

Search on Instagram from a computer

You can search in Latin letters, then you will be shown more and users with slogans that match your search query.

Search on Instagram from a computer

If you want to find only hashtags, put before request the special character “#”. Optional word in full, you will be shown the most popular plaste tags, which you have already viewed. Phrase ending will offer himself.

Search hashtags on Instagram from a computer

By clicking on the tag in the SERP, you can see the best and latest photos and videos to which it was added.

View the hashtag on Instagram

If you want to find some user and tags you don’t interesting, then first enter the “@” sign in the search bar, and then type what you need.

Search for a person on Instagram

By following the link, you will be taken to the person’s profile.

Thus, you can search not only users on which you are not subscribed, but also your friends. If you follow a large number people, finding something through a search (rather than looking list of your subscriptions) can be very convenient.

Hashtags are often needed when you want to subscribe to anyone new and interesting when you browse publications by your tag or just consider some Instagram posts on a given topic.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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