Two Instagram accounts on one phone


Attention! You are reading an article with outdated information. Can now keep several profiles on Instagram on one phone at once, not constantly leaving one without entering a username and password every time, without using third-party applications! Find out how fast you can switch between all your accounts in our new note here.

How to create a second account on Instagram?

Let’s start with the simplest question. So you have one more profile in IG, you just need to exit your application (the exit button is in the parameters)

Exiting Instagram

and then re-register.

How to register on Instagram via Facebook

Unfortunately, two users cannot be in the application at once, therefore, you cannot keep two profiles together – you will have to constantly go out of one and go in another. This is very inconvenient. Therefore, the second question arises.

How to use 2 Instagram accounts on one the phone?

Officially nothing. But some people have found a loophole.

So you have the official Instagram app, you’re there logged in, say, your main user. Now you can put instagram clone on the phone (though from third-party sources), log in to it with a different profile and use it for health. I found information about this method in one of the forum posts, namely here. I’ll not write down what to do, everything is written there, read.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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