About the new Instagram feed


Do you already have a new feed on Instagram? I personally do not, that’s it old-fashioned: publications are organized in chronological order. And I would actually leave it, but, of course, the innovation will soon touches me as well. Nothing to complain, you need to get used to and to adapt!

New feed on InstagramWhat does the new tape look like in Instagram

You will immediately notice it: in the first places will not be fresh publication. First, the application will show you the most interesting for you. posts.

The principle of the new issue: which photos and videos are shown first thing?

With whom you communicate more on Instagram, that you will see. Communicate means to comment, like.

What conclusions can be drawn from this?

1. If you are a regular user, then such a feed on Instagram to you should even like it, because the first thing you will see posts your favorite friends.

2. However, if you are observing someone “quietly”, i.e. do not put likes and do not comment on his pictures, then such a person you can stupidly “lose” from his tape, as he will be far down below.

3. In order not to miss user updates, you can not only subscribe to it, but also set up notifications about its posts. how only he will write something on Instagram, you will see a push message on your phone.

4. That your subscribers saw and “did not lose” your subscribers, it is necessary to comment and like you. That is, you just need to will push your audience to activity. But this is a topic separate article.

The new Instagram feed is similar to the Facebook feed. And people somehow enjoy it. Yes, at first uncomfortable. Yes, it would be cool if as on Twitter, a person could choose how to show posts to him: in chronological order or in a new one. Yes, this is an innovation for advertising, the service must somehow monetize at last! But nothing you can do it and get used to everything. They’re used to the wall on Vkontakte, and how many conversations were on this topic!

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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