All ways to monetize your Instagram account


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You can monetize Instagram in various ways: take advertising on exchanges, collaborate with brands, receive donations from subscribers. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages.

Standard monetization

There is no standard monetization on Instagram, which possible on YouTube or Vkontakte. That is, social the network does not display an icon: “Popular” and does not offer the user go to business services. But the account holder can himself monetize your Instagram account if you prepare it for advertising publications.

To the list of available funds for receiving cash rewards include:

  • advertising sites, products or services;
  • work with exchanges;
  • donations or “donations” that subscribers voluntarily send to your favorite blogger’s bank account.

Under the format of standard monetization may be the sale of goods and services, without the participation of third parties. For example, the user draws paintings, provides legal advice. Similar species Activities are suitable for monetization and customer acquisition. It remains to choose a narrow focus, photos and create page description.

We are looking for direct advertisers for monetization on Instagram

If the page is popular among users and quantity more than 5000 subscribers – the owner can receive offers advertising campaigns.

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How to search for advertisers for a blogger:

  • create a second account with a price list for ads and hashtags;
  • write on the brands page in the comments or personal Messages
  • leave a link to the page in the communities: “Russian Bloggers, Of Ukraine. ”

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The price for advertising is calculated from the profile’s activity. Blogger you need to prepare statistics, where the quantity will be indicated subscribers for a certain period, the portfolio also includes profile topics, the presence of feedback from subscribers. First advertising orders more often by barter: the advertiser offers to test product and based on the test, make advertising.

Upon reaching the mark of 10,000 subscribers, a blogger can qualify for payment of advertising on a bank card. Cooperation not regulated by Instagram, therefore, communication with the customer occurs in private messages (Direct) or instant messengers.

Exchanges for monetizing Instagram

You can enable monetization on Instagram through exchanges and services that offer collaboration with advertisers.

Exchanges work according to the algorithm:

  1. The blogger is registered in the service.
  2. Designs the page, adds a link.
  3. In portfolio indicate experience with advertising offers.
  4. Confirm profile – expect messages from advertisers.

EpicStars for InstagramEpicStars for Instagram

Such exchanges are considered EpicStars and GetBloggers. In services not only tools for finding bloggers, but also customers. More often, the latter are unsubscribed in private messages to advertising site owner. Payment is possible both directly and through the intermediary of the exchange.

Both parties are protected from fraud and in case of fraud – may leave a review on the warning page. If a blogger or advertiser violated the rules (failure to comply with deadlines, refusal advertising, overpricing) – a page on the exchange will be blocked.

Donations and donations

On Instagram, the donation system is unofficial and is not considered legitimate action. In addition, the practice of “donations” popular on Twitch, YouTube streaming services. Donut is a small amount that a viewer or weblog subscriber voluntarily sends an idol.

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It’s possible to organize “donations” on Instagram through broadcasts. By creating Live, a user can covertly indicate that he left the data for donat in one of the publications.

How to organize donations:

  1. Create a publication on Instagram about the upcoming broadcast.
  2. Leave data for transfers, for example, QIWI wallet (but not bank card).
  3. On the broadcast, make a link to the publication.

But monetization on Instagram is not considered that way legitimate action. Blogger page may be blocked. if the administration receives complaints. Easier to create a publication and indicate that the broadcast will take place on one of the streaming services.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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