Does Instagram eavesdrop on users?


Instagram overhears users

Many bloggers claim that Instagram is listening and following by users.

Allegedly, this is necessary in order to “push through” the target advertising.

Recently, an incident happened to me that made me to think.

Does Instagram eavesdrop on users?

A friend should soon have a son and we started talking about the crib for newborns.

We talked about where to buy cheaper, which beds are better, etc. etc.

The most interesting thing happened that evening.

I flipped through the news feed on Instagram and came across a very interesting advertisement. Even made a screen.

Instagram FollowsInstagram Follows

That’s right, I was offered to buy a crib for newborns.

Moreover, I had never visited sites and accounts on Instagram before in any way related to goods for children and future parents.

Many bloggers claim that Instagram and Facebook can record conversations in the background and use them in commercial purposes.

The developers themselves deny wiretapping.

Coincidence or not, but I decided to remove the permission for the application Instagram to use the microphone.

To do this, just do a few action:

  1. In the phone settings, open the “Applications” section.
  2. Touching Instagram.
  3. Select the item “Permissions”.
  4. Near the “Microphone” we move the slider to the left.

Mute microphone on InstagramMute microphone on Instagram

From this point on, the application will not be able to record conversations.

But now, before you add a publication or story will have to issue permission to use the microphone again.

What conclusions can be drawn? Nothing yet. Maybe it’s just coincidence, can not the same social. The network is constantly following us. Though, who knows?

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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