Hashtags on Instagram Stories


In May 2017, Instagram rolled out an extensive update. Besides any bears and bunnies, Stories has the opportunity to set hashtags, with two methods.

2 ways to add a hashtag to Instagram history

1. Plain text

We shoot the story. Add text to it.

How to add a hashtag to the story

What are hashtags on Instagram and why are they needed, you can read here.

As in regular posts, we put the # sign right in the text, we begin print the hashtag itself, select from the ones below. It’s important choose, and not just print, otherwise the hashtag may not become reference, as in the situation with the mention in the stories of others users.

2. Special sticker for hashtag

Remove Stories. Go to the stickers. Choose the one you need.

How to add a hashtag to the story

We print the name (attention without #!), Choose from proposed.

How to add a hashtag to the story

In the finished story, the hashtags are slightly different in appearance from each other. friend, and in the first case, you can generally change the type of inscription at its discretion.

How to add a hashtag to the story

But both of them are links and lead to all Instagram posts, to who also put such marks. In the future, I think they will no longer lead to posts, but to Stories.

How to add a hashtag to the story How to add a hashtag to the story

Are you using a new feature? Not? I think we need to start to be one of the first. ?

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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