How much per day you can subscribe to Instagram


How much a day you can follow on Instagram

Updated – January 21, 2020

Active users need to know how much per day Subscribe to Instagram.

If you do not comply with the limits on Instagram – the account may fall under lock for mass follow (shadow ban).

And in 2020, Instagram has repeatedly changed the algorithms that fight with mass follow.

How much per day you can follow on Instagram

I conducted an experiment to update subscription data.

The Internet is full of sources with outdated limit information, in addition, many webmasters simply take numbers from their heads or copy from each other.

So I decided to personally find out how many subscriptions per day safe for promotion (second experiment – how many likes per day you can put).

The experiment involved 4 accounts: new, 3-month, 6-месячный и старый (>3,5 лет).

In the table below you can see the recommended values ​​for subscriptions per hour and per day.

how many can I follow on Instagram dayhow many can I follow on Instagram day

  • The table has lower and upper values, below I explained for what are they intended for.

Important: these values ​​include both subscriptions and unsubscribing. For example, a new account may subscribe to 200 per day users and unsubscribe from 150 (if you have already subscribed to 350, then unsubscribe on this day is better not worth it).


New account.

After creating, I recommend adding several publications (photo, video) and necessarily an avatar.

In the first hour you can subscribe to 20 users. Not a day more than 250.

In the following days, you can safely subscribe to 20 to 40 accounts per hour and 350 per day.

Remember that Instagram monitors actions and it doesn’t matter you subscribe or unsubscribe. So make sure that Do not get out of the total limit.

3 month account.

Every hour you can safely subscribe to 50 users, but not more. A day is better not to exceed the bar of 500 accounts.

6 month old accounts.

You are a reliable user and you can subscribe to it without any problems 60 accounts per hour and 600 per day.

Important: if you are simultaneously engaged masslayking and other types of markups (lighttime), then reduce limit of subscriptions to the lower values ​​(see table). For example, a new account per hour, you can subscribe to 20 users, per day on 250.

If you comply with these limits and recommendations, then no You’re not afraid of blocking (there will be no deductions of subscribers).

I can also advise advanced users to cheat Followers on Instagram through special services.

Firstly – it is safer, and secondly – it saves your time.

In 2020, full of services that help promote your account white methods.

Video lesson on how many can follow on Instagram day.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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