How to add text to Instagram history


How to add text to Instagram history

Updated – December 11, 2019

If necessary, you can add text to the Instagram story on photo or video.

You can change the font of the text, color and layout.

You can also make a purely textual story.

How to add text to Instagram history

  1. Открываем новости How to add text to Instagram history в левом нижнем углу.
  2. Касаемся своей аватарки How to add text to Instagram history в левом верхнем углу.
  3. Create a story (upload a photo or video).
  4. Для добавления текста в правом верхнем углу касаемся How to add text to Instagram history.
  5. We write the text and make it:
  • Below you can change the color of the text, or select a color изображении How to add text to Instagram history (палитра);
  • You can place text on the top left / right or in середине How to add text to Instagram history, выделить текст любым цветом How to add text to Instagram history и поменять шрифт.
  1. After completing the text in the upper right corner, touch How to add text to Instagram historyHow to add text to Instagram historyHow to add text to Instagram history.
  2. Touch the text, and without lifting your finger, move to the right place (move down to delete).
  3. If the story is ready: select the recipient and publish to Instagram

How to change the text in Instagram History?

Unfortunately, the text in Instagram stories cannot be edited.

You can only delete the story and upload a new one (see the article).

How to add a story simply with text, without photos and videos?

Very simple: in the third step below, you need to select the type of story Create (defaults to Normal Mode).

You can type the text in any font, and then change it from above. background and add other effects, if necessary.

Remember that you can add hashtags to your story in Instagram (see article).

How to make colorful text in Instagram history?

If you change the color while writing text, then it applies to the whole text.

Therefore, you need to add text spelling: write one first букву с одним цветом How to add text to Instagram historyHow to add text to Instagram historyHow to add text to Instagram history, затем вторую букву с другим цветом How to add text to Instagram historyHow to add text to Instagram historyHow to add text to Instagram history и т.д.

Later you need to move all the letters into one word on one level.

Video tutorial on the topic: how to add text to Instagram history.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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