How to add weather on Instagram photo


To superimpose the weather on a photograph, there is one beautiful thing application, it is called InstaWeather. With it, you can send a photo with the weather not only to Instagram, but also to others social networks or just save the picture on your phone or tablet.

You can download InstaWeather on Google Play like any other. attachment. It looks something like this.

How to add weather to Instagram photos

Like on Instagram, you can take the picture you want earn weather data, directly or select it from the gallery mobile device.


Weather type (cover) can be selected, however free options few. Just scroll through the options, as in the phone gallery. For for additional covers press the menu button in the form of three points in the lower right corner.

How to add weather to Instagram photos

You can also select the name of the place where you are now are. To do this, click on the dot in the lower left corner. Data about places, the application takes either from Foursquare or Facebook, you you can choose for yourself.

How to add weather to Instagram photos

InstaWeather also has settings. To get into them, click on the button in the upper right corner.


When you did everything (added a photo, decided on cover of the picture), you can send a picture to social networks or save it to the memory of the mobile device. To do this, click on “Share” and then just select the desired social network.

How to add weather to Instagram photos

For example, Instagram. The application will start immediately (if it installed on your phone) and you can share a beautiful weather picture with your subscribers.

How to add weather to Instagram photos

InstaWeather is a simple and convenient application that allows make your communication on Instagram (and other social networks) a bit more interesting. It’s often better to add weather data to a beautiful photograph than writing about the weather outside, in comments. It’s only a pity that free features (mostly covers) InstaWeather has very few.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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