How to block and unblock a user on Instagram


How to block and unblock a user on Instagram

Updated – January 23, 2020

If you don’t want anyone to see your profile and posts can block the user on Instagram.

It can be unlocked at any time. Enough to know where is the blacklist on Instagram on the phone and computer.

How to block a user on Instagram

  1. We go to the user profile.
  2. КасаемсяHow to block and unblock a user on InstagramHow to block and unblock a user on Instagramвправом верхнем углу.
  3. Select the “Block” item.
  4. Touch “Block”.

How to block an account on instagramHow to block an account on instagram

What happens after I add the user to the blacklist on Instagram?

This person will no longer be able to find your profile, see publications and stories. But you will not be able to see his publications (except stories).

He will not receive any notice on Instagram that you it was blocked. And that means she won’t know about it.

If he distributes spam or publishes inappropriate material, You can complain on Instagram and it will be banned.

Where is the blacklist on Instagram? How to unlock a person?

You can see blocked users in the settings profile. A little lower instruction.

How to unblock user on Instagram

  1. Открываем свой профильHow to block and unblock a user on Instagram в правом нижнем углу.
  2. Касаемся менюHow to block and unblock a user on Instagram сверху.
  3. Переходим в “Настройки”How to block and unblock a user on InstagramHow to block and unblock a user on Instagram.
  4. Открываем раздел “Конфиденциальность” How to block and unblock a user on Instagram.
  5. Переходим в “Заблокированные аккаунты” How to block and unblock a user on Instagram.
  6. We touch on the user profile.
  7. КасаемсяHow to block and unblock a user on InstagramHow to block and unblock a user on Instagramвправом верхнем углу аккаунта.
  8. Select the “Unblock” item.
  9. Touching “Unlock”.

How to unlock a person on InstagramHow to unlock a person on Instagram

  • If you do not want to see publications and user stories – You can switch his account to silent mode (see the article);
  • You can also simply restrict access to the user (does not know about this).

Is it true that using locks you can get rid of unnecessary subscribers?

Yes, temporary blocking will help remove subscribers to Instagram (see article).

But even without blocking, you can unsubscribe a person from yourself.

How to block a user on Instagram through a computer?

The principle is the same. Open his profile, click on троеточиеHow to block and unblock a user on Instagramи выбираем пункт “Заблокировать этогоuser “.

Finding Instagram blacklist from a computer is also very simple. A little lower instruction.

Blacklist on Instagram

  1. In the web version in the upper right corner, open your профильHow to block and unblock a user on Instagram.
  2. Далее переходим в “Настройки”How to block and unblock a user on InstagramHow to block and unblock a user on Instagram.
  3. Select the “Privacy and Security” section.
  4. Click on the link “View account details”.
  5. Open the “Accounts that you have blocked.”

black list on instagramblack list on instagram

  • By the way, it’s not so easy to understand that you were blocked (but there are 5 signs).

I can’t unblock the user on Instagram on the computer, what to do?

Yes, there is such a problem. There is no active link to the blacklist blocked user profile.

Try to unlock it from your phone on the second instructions.

By the way, it’s not necessary to block users, you can just close the profile on Instagram (see the article).

Video tutorial on how to lock and unlock user on Instagram.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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