How to change the language on Instagram


How to change the language on Instagram

Updated – November 11, 2019

If necessary, you can change the language in Instagram. The application has more than 40 languages.

And on Instagram, sometimes a crash occurs that changes the language. Therefore, consider a simple instruction.

How to change the language on Instagram

  1. Касаемся своего профиляHow to change the language on Instagram в правом нижнем углу.
  2. Открываем менюHow to change the language on Instagram в правом верхнем углу.
  3. Переходим в”Настройки” (Settings)How to change the language on Instagramв самом низу.
  4. Открываем раздел “Аккаунт”(Account)How to change the language on InstagramHow to change the language on Instagram.
  5. We touch “Language” (Language).
  6. Choose the appropriate language (42 in total).
  7. We restart the application (we exit Instagram and again enter)

How to make Russian on Instagram?

Translation into Russian is easy.

It is located almost in the middle of the list (30 in a row).

Instagram has become in English, how to change?

In the above instructions, in step 3, open “Settings”How to change the language on Instagram— “Account” иHow to change the language on InstagramHow to change the language on Instagram выберите “Language”.

Find the desired language in the list.

How to change the language on Instagram on a computer?

Easy. A little lower instruction.

How to change the language on Instagram

  1. In the web version in the upper right corner, go to your аккаунтHow to change the language on Instagram.
  2. Click on the “Edit Profile” button.
  3. In the lower right corner, click on the link “Language” (Language).
  4. Choosing the right language.

Statistics on Instagram in English. Like him change?

To do this, first change the language according to the first instruction to any other. Then exit the application, go in and return Russian tongue.

Restart the application again and check the result.

Video tutorial on the topic: how to change the language on Instagram.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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Authoritatively about social networks
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How to change the language on Instagram?


After translating the Instagram application into Russian, some users were outraged by the many words on the menu, such as, ugly they sounded or were incorrectly translated. For example, not I liked the banal phrase “Posted photo”, which registered in a tweet if you automatically send a photo to Twitter from the IG and do not add any signature to it. So if you one of these people, then you will be interested to know how on Instagram, change the menu language.

In fact, everything is very simple. Similar settings in the you will not find the application, and rightly so, because they are not there. To make Instagram menu English (or French, or German, etc.) you need to set the desired language in the mobile device. This may cause others to change. applications. Of course, you can now be outraged that this uncomfortable, but what to do, in no other way!

На iPhone или iPad сделать это можно в меню Общие ->International, on androids – in the settings in the item “Language and input”, on devices based on Windows Phone – in the settings in the item “Language + region “. An illustrative example for androids:

How to change the menu language on Instagram?

If your Instagram application is updated, then it supports 23 language, among which you can find Thai, Indonesian, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese, as well as almost all European (including including Russian).

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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Authoritatively about social networks
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