How to make a colored circle (round frame) around Instagram avatar


We saw a colored circle (round frame) around the avatar in Instagram that appears when you have Storys? Do you want so that your Stories are more noticeable than others, and in the tape your was the avatar always with such a frame, even if there is no Storis? Of course you want, for this you opened the article.

Most likely, such colored frames in the photo are just time trend on Instagram. But now Storys are very popular (their look more often than tape!). The frame creates the appearance that you have Storis, and when you actually have them, then you stand out in the top row of Storis, because you have a double frame.

How to make a colored circle (round frame) around an avatar in Instagram


The easiest way to frame yourself

  • take a screenshot of your avatar with a colored circle after as Storyz published
  • cut a round avatar from this screenshot, application Creative Shape (for IPhone), Round Photo (for Android)
  • upload to your Instagram account instead of the old avatar.

The big minus of this easy way to make a colored frame is the resulting avatar will be of poor quality. When you cut the avatar from the screenshot, then it will have to be greatly stretched (increase in size) to upload to Instagram. Because of this, it will be lost quality. And the frame itself will be thin, which is especially noticeable, when you have published Stories. Because the stories will have a frame wider than the avatar taken from the screenshot.

Therefore, it is best to edit the photo for the avatar online. On the Screenshots below the first picture — a circle around the first avatars in story, which is made a screenshot, and the second picture – online at (instructions on video below in the article). At first it seems that the circles are the same, but if you look closely, it is noticeable that the inner circle of the first avatar on the left picture is thinner than on the right picture.

How to make a colored circle (round frame) around the avatar on Instagramhow to draw a round frame for photos on Instagram online

How to make a colored circle (round frame) around an avatar on Instagram online

This method is a little more complicated and spend more time, but the final avatar will be of better quality and you can make a frame (circle) around an Instagram profile picture of any thickness. Step by step instruction on the video. Please note that in at the end you will have a square image that you will upload as a profile photo on Instagram. And already at boot time Instagram will crop it so that around the photo you will succeed colored circle, like Storis.— a site where you can make an avatar circle on Instagram online

How to make a colored circle (round frame) around an avatar on Instagram online

Gradient for a colored circle on Instagram – link to the image full size


James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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