How to make a survey on Instagram


How to make a survey on Instagram

Updated – January 22, 2020

To increase the activity in your profile, we recommend that you do poll on Instagram.

You can vote in history.

It will be interesting to you and your subscribers.

How to make a survey on Instagram

  1. В левом нижнем углу переходим в раздел “Новости”How to make a survey on Instagram.
  2. В левом верхнем углу касаемся “Ваша история”How to make a survey on Instagram.
  3. Take a photo or add an image from the gallery (creation Instagram Stories).
  4. В правом верхнем углу касаемся эффектовHow to make a survey on Instagram.
  5. Из предложенного списка выбираемHow to make a survey on Instagram.
  • Alternative: quiz in history and anonymous questions (see article).
  1. We ask a question, indicate the answers in the upper right corner касаемсяHow to make a survey on InstagramHow to make a survey on Instagram.
  2. We draw up a survey: by touching we change the location and size.
  3. In the lower right corner, touch “Recipient”.
  4. Выбираем с кем поделиться историей и касаемсяHow to make a survey on Instagram.

Instagram Polls in HistoryInstagram Polls in History

  • You can specify emoticons as answers;
  • You can also add a poll on a normal background (in step 3 of normal mode, go to “Create” mode).

Instagram polls

Can I see who participated in my survey?

Yes, open the story and in the bottom left corner tap “Viewed.”

On the page you will see who looked at the story and who like voted in the poll.

How to view the survey on Instagram?

Only the author can see how users voted stories.

What kind of polls from celebrities for a reward?

Fake public identity pages advertise polls in Instagram for money. Do not get fooled!

No paid surveys exist! Reviews are wound. Divorce (see the article).

A survey on Instagram in history can only be created either in photo / video?

At the moment, you can create a survey exclusively in story.

Why is there no survey on Instagram?

You are probably trying to add a survey to a photo or video, but You can add it only to the story.

If the survey does not appear in the story, although you added it, скорее всего, забыли коснуться How to make a survey on InstagramHow to make a survey on Instagram.

What you can offer interesting polls in Instagram?

You can borrow ideas for surveys from other sites. Just google it.

A lot of interesting topics. There you can find pictures to him.

And from a computer voting on Instagram can be created?

No, since stories cannot be created in the web version at all.

How to cancel a survey on Instagram?

You can only delete the story and re-download.

Video lesson on how to do a survey on Instagram.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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Authoritatively about social networks
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