How to post photos from Instagram to In contact with


Two giants of social networks Instagram and Vkontakte for a long time became friends. Now you can immediately send your photos on the wall of Vkontakte. We will tell you how to enable and configure automatic hit of photos on the wall. link account on instagram and vkontakte

Set up integration with third-party services. For this go to settings, or rather to settings. You can do this from tabs of your personal profile using a three-point menu button. publications from instagram in vkontakte

You will be taken to the Instagram app settings. Here you need Select “Publish Settings.”

Instagram post settings

At this point, you can connect Instagram not only to Vkontakte, but also with Twitter, Facebook and other popular social networks.

Popular hashtags on Instagram

upload photos from instagram to vk

Check the box, you will be prompted to log in contact. Do it.

Now when sending photos to Instagram you will need only just make the Vkontakte button active, well, any other, if do you want to send the picture to some other social network.

link account on instagram

Instagram Kim Kardashian can see this link.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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