Repost is a function that allows you to copy a record, a photo, video, or just another user’s post to their page or in messages to friends. On most social networks such as: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, etc. But to There is no regret on the Instagram network. In this In this article we will look at two ways to make it simple and easy. repost photos of another user. It often happens: your good a friend posted a cool photo on Instagram, and she told you so I liked that you want to show it to your followers. But how do it? You cannot download a picture from the application, but a computer no evil at hand!
Often Instagram users leafing through photos of friends or others users are greeted by a photo that they would like to share with by your subscribers on your tape. If the computer is at hand no, so there are two ways to repost photos in Instagram:
- Without installing a special application.
- Install the application from the Play Market with which you can repost other people’s photos.
How to repost Instagram photos to your page
The first way is without installing a special application. Go to Instagram, open the photo you want repost, and take a screenshot (screenshot). We will consider how take a screenshot on popular phones:
- for Apple iOS: simultaneously press the home button (round the “home” button at the bottom of the phone) and the off button;
- for samsung and other android 4.0 devices: press simultaneously to the ON button and to the button to decrease the sound;
- Android 3.2 and later – long press the Recent button programs”;
- Samsung Galaxy – Back + Home button (saved in the folder ScreenCapture);
- Samsung Galaxy S II – Home + Lock button (saved in ScreenCapture folder);
- HTC Desire S – Power + Home button (saved to folder with photo);
- Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc S – Volume Down Button + Turning on.
Your snapshot will appear in the photo library on your device. Then you can crop the photo right away or when loading on Instagram. Plus this simple way that you do not need to install superfluous applications and in photos there will be no advertising, but minus is that some will think that you stole these Photo.
You can also ask a friend to mail you this photo or in other social networks and also publish it in your Instagram.
The second way is to repost using third-party applications, which can be downloaded from AppStore or Google play. such You will find several applications, but we will consider one of them which is very popular. Photo Repost consider in more detail how to use it.
After installation, sign in with your Instagram account to this is an app.
A ribbon of photos will appear, exactly as you see in your Instagram. Plus, from above you can see photos, which like it. Under each photo there is special button for repost.
After that, the snapshot will appear in your stream. And it will look like that.
As you can see, the application will put two inscriptions on the photo: name (advertisement) and nickname of the person from whom you borrowed publication. Here it can be accurately considered repost, since The nickname of the person from whom you took the photo is indicated.
We hope these two methods help you and our article is shared. photos that you liked with friends. Like and write comments.