How to send disappearing photo or video to Instagram


How to send a disappearing photo or video on Instagram

Updated – August 20, 2019

There is an opportunity in the directive to send disappearing Instagram photo or video.

The interlocutor will receive a message with a photo (video) to watch it is possible only once.

How to send a disappearing photo or video on Instagram

  1. Переходим в раздел с новостямиHow to send disappearing photo or video to Instagramслева внизу.
  2. Открываем директ в ИнстаграмеHow to send disappearing photo or video to Instagram справа сверху.
  3. Выбираем диалог или добавляем собеседникаHow to send disappearing photo or video to Instagram.
  4. Внизу касаемсяHow to send disappearing photo or video to Instagram.
  5. We take a photo / video or select a media file from the gallery.
  6. Below we select the “Single view” mode.
  7. Click on the “Submit” button.
  • The user will be able to watch a photo or video only once, then it will self-destruct;
  • Only a few seconds are allowed to view the photo.

How to see a disappearing photo?

If you were sent a disappearing photo or video on Instagram, go in the direct to the interlocutor and click on the blue “View” button.

After viewing a photo or video, it disappears and you will not see it again will work out. You can reply to the disappearing photo on Instagram.

You can also create a video chat with a user (see the article).

How to save disappearing photos?

The usual way to save Instagram photos does not work, so how it is instantly removed.

But you can resort to a simple trick: you need to open the vanishing photo and take a screenshot on Instagram (see article).

Video lesson on how to send a disappearing photo or video to Instagram.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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