How to tag a user in a photo in Instagram


More recently, a new feature appeared on Instagram – the ability to mark friends on publications. Many instagrammers they are actively using it, because it is very convenient: no need specially signing the nickname of the person in the photo is enough just put a link to his profile. Below, let’s take a closer look. Let’s talk about this useful feature on Instagram.

How to tag a friend on Instagram photos

To begin with I will briefly tell you how to put a tag account on your post. When you upload a photo, click on the link “mark users”.

How to tag a user in a photo on Instagram

Now tap the place where the desired person is depicted.

How to tag a user in a photo on Instagram

The message “Who is this? ” Appears.

How to tag a user in a photo on Instagram

Enter a nickname (or just the beginning of a name) and select a friend from list.

How to tag a user in a photo on Instagram

A friend’s nickname will appear in the picture. You can add several users (like on Vkontakte). When done click on a checkmark button in a blue square.

As you can see, now there is someone in the photo.

How to tag a user in a photo on Instagram

Make the necessary additions and publish the entry.

Photos with me on Instagram

If one of your friends tagged you in the photo, you are right there you will find out on the action tab, in the same place where notifications appear about likes and new subscribers. It looks something like this. Transfer, of course interesting?

How to tag a user in a photo on Instagram

In addition, another notification will hang in your profile, until you view it.

How to tag a user in a photo on Instagram

There you will find all publications with you. In the screenshot below, Unfortunately, only one.

How to tag a user in a photo on Instagram

By the way, if you click on the menu button in the form of three dots, then adding pictures with you can be customized. By default they added automatically when someone marks you. However you can make yourself choose the pictures that will be appear on your profile in the “Photos with you” section. For of this, as can be seen from the screenshot below, you need to check “Add manually.”

Photos with you on Instagram

Finally, I’ll give you another screenshot. It is available on with how user marks appear on published Photo. By the way, all these users are real and are great Instagram pages. Be sure to follow them!

Photos with you on Instagram

How to tag a friend in an already added photo

If when adding a post to Instagram, you forgot to put mark with a link to a friend’s page, don’t worry, it’s always can do. To do this, just go to the desired photo, click on the menu in the form of three dots in the lower right corner and select “change” item.

How to add a tag of friends on Instagram, if you forgot

Here you can put a forgotten label, as well as edit description of the photo (your first comment), as well as change location (or even delete it).

How to change your friends' notes on Instagram

Good luck, instagrammers and great shots! ?

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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