How to understand that you were blocked in Instagram


How to understand that you were blocked on Instagram

Updated – October 8, 2019

If you can’t see the profile of a specific user, that is, the likelihood that he has restricted access to his page.

Really understand that you were blocked on Instagram pretty simple. There are characteristic signs of blockage.

How to understand that you were blocked on Instagram

The first sign – the user has disappeared from the list your followers or subscriptions.

  1. Заходим в свой профиль How to understand that you were blocked in Instagram в правом нижнем углу.
  2. Near the avatar we open the list of subscribers or subscriptions.
  • If you were subscribed to it and when searching among the subscriptions you you do not see him;
  • If the user has been following you, but among the subscribers also no.

The second sign is that publications in user profile.

  1. Находим пользователя через поиск How to understand that you were blocked in Instagram по имени.
  2. Open the user profile.
  • If it says that there are no publications yet and in the profile header is 0.

The third sign – I can’t subscribe to user.

  1. Open the user profile.
  2. Click on the “Subscribe” button.
  • If the button works, but after a couple of seconds again “Subscribe” is displayed.

The fourth sign – I can’t see user subscribers.

  1. Open the user profile.
  2. Go to the list of subscribers.
  • If it says “Sorry, we couldn’t implement your inquiry”.

Fifth sign – messages do not reach.

  1. We go to the direct.
  2. Send a message to the user.
  • After sending the message, refresh the page (swipe down) if the dialogue is gone.

Found the signs described above? User means blacklisted you.

If the user decided to restrict access to his profile, then it will be more difficult to find out:

  • It is not visible when it is online (online);
  • Your comments on his posts are visible only to him and you (from another account your comments are not visible).

Video experiment: how to understand what you blocked on Instagram.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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