At any time, you can untie Instagram from Facebook with phone or computer.
To do this, just follow a few simple steps.
Part of the functionality will no longer be supported – keep this in mind.
How to untie Instagram from Facebook
Via phone:
- Go to your profile bottom right.
- We touch the application menu top right.
- We touch “Settings” down below.
- Go to the “Account” section .
- Select “Linked accounts.”
- Touching Facebook.
- Click on the “Unlink” button.
- Confirm the action “Unlink”.
- After these steps, you will not be able to promote your account through advertising.
Via computer:
- Go to
- Открываем меню справа сверху.
- Click on the settings.
- On the left, open the “Applications and Sites” section.
- From the list of active sites, select “Instagram”.
- Click on the “Delete” button.
- Confirm the deletion.
- At any time, you can link the Instagram account to Facebook.
Video tutorial on how to untie Instagram from Facebook.