How to watch Instagram stories anonymously


How to watch Instagram stories anonymously

Updated – October 30, 2019

In order not to give out yourself, you can view Instagram stories anonymously.

The simple and convenient Gramotool service will help with this. Without registration.

How to watch Instagram stories anonymously

  1. Follow the link
  2. In a special form, specify the username (username) or insert a link to his profile.
  3. Click on the “View” button.
  4. We touch on history to view it anonymously (in the tab “Highlights” you can see the current).
  • The user will not be able to find out who watched the story in Instagram.

This service allows you to view Instagram stories anonymously from computer only?

You can also go to the service on the phone, write the user’s nickname and see his story.

If you wish, you can download the story or repost the story.

Using this service you can view Instagram history closed profiles?

Not. This is basically impossible. If the user decided to close account on Instagram, then only those whom he approved.

And no services will help to see the story. Technically unreal. But you can see the closed Instagram without Subscriptions with a little trick (see article).

Can you watch hidden stories somehow?

If the user decided to hide the stories on Instagram, then a couple there are options for viewing them (see the article).

By the way, anonymously you can only watch live broadcast in in case it is already completed and the record is posted.

A video lesson on how to watch Instagram stories anonymously.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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