Information about someone else’s account on Instagram: function description


The content of the article:

Instagram account information – a way to find out the date registration of someone else’s profile. After the update, users do not will have to check the “age” of the page through third-party applications. Just go to the profile of another person and click on additional settings.

New Feature Description – Account Information

The feature first appeared in the account settings section. Owner pages could see the full report of your account, including previously used phone numbers, email addresses mail and nicknames. To see data from someone else’s profile, I had to use third-party services and applications.

View another person’s account information on Instagram user:

  1. Go to Instagram – log in.
  2. Go to the profile of interest – click the three dots in the right top corner. Account Information on InstagramAccount Information on Instagram
  3. Account information – see the desired section.

The page owner will not receive a notification that his data someone was watching.

The section provides information of this type:

  • date of registration. When the account was first created;
  • nicknames. Username changes
  • country of registration;
  • general subscribers.

The function works only on business pages, on personal pages – the ability to view information is not available.

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There are restrictions on the number of subscribers – less than 10,000 considered a personal page, despite the business functions. The main objective of this functionality is to purchase pages, confirm honesty of online stores, openness to visitors.

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Can I hide my account information

There are two ways to hide account information in Instagram: transfer it to personal status or close it completely.

How to remove page information:

  1. Go to Instagram – Settings. Switch back to your personal profile on InstagramSwitch back to your personal profile on Instagram
  2. Account – Switch to Personal.

To translate the page into status: “Closed profile “follows:

  1. Settings – Privacy.
  2. Account – move the pointer to “Closed”.

Now, subscribers can access the profile, or users whom the owner added as friends. Visitors will see only the inscription: “Subscribe” – system will automatically send a request to join the list contacts.

You cannot hide page information in other ways. But, the account holder can verify all the information that offered by his account.

To view information:

  1. Settings – Security.
  2. Access to data. Access to data on InstagramAccess to data on Instagram

The user is offered a list of information to which he has access and can use for their own purposes.

This category is not viewable by other users.

View information about someone else’s account on Instagram

To view other people’s data except for the registration date, the visitor profile can go to other categories. On page with The information gives recommendations that are necessary for assessing: whether the page is real or fake. For example, in the section: “Date of registration” administration recommends look at the total number of publications.

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In the category: “Accounts with shared subscribers” similar profiles are shown where you can see the percentage of subscribers with other communities share the same interests. In chapter “Previous names” to the visitor will be shown Information about the change of name over a certain period.

For example: nickname has not changed since 2017 or will appear list.

Other ways to see the registration date on strangers pages:

  1. Go to the GetIP website.
  2. Enter the nickname specified in the profile. Date of registration on InstagramDate of registration on Instagram
  3. Click “Check” – get information regarding the limitation of registration.

Unlike other verification methods, in the service you can find out: account creation date and approximate time, how much is it exist.

Account information on Instagram – the ability to find the real profile, buy only a verified page or purchase goods in honest store.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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