Instagram app takes up a lot of memory on the telephone


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If Instagram takes up a lot of space on an iPhone or Android, then it’s time to delete the temporary files and clean the data. At regular work with social networks, documents appear and copies that are stored in the device’s memory.

Instagram takes up a lot of space

You can determine that Instagram weighs a lot by comparing with version from the content store. After downloading and entering data, application size is gradually increasing. If the user regular alerts are turned on, then the battery charge is spent on application background mode.

Weight previously was 32 MB on the Play Market, with the latest updates, Instagram changed the specifications, adding: “Size varies by device.” That means everyone the user receives an application version that matches technical parameters of his phone.

What determines the weight of Instagram:

  • regularity of use. How often the user visits Applications
  • Subscriptions and subscribers. View information from others users
  • IGTV saved photos and
  • search history: hashtags, nicknames and more.

To avoid memory clutter, recommended applications for clearing the cache and manually deleting unnecessary files.

Possible reasons and solutions

The reason for cluttering may be automatic copy download snapshots. For example, if the owner of a profile often shares subscribers of photos and videos, already published materials additionally saved in the Gallery. But such a problem only clutters up the Camera Roll section and is not included in files stored Instagram separately.

The cache also contains information regarding inputs and exits. How to solve a problem:

  • use lite version. Format for browsers and weak smartphones;
  • clean your memory regularly. Use third-party Clinical applications
  • Uninstall the application and disable automatic updates.

The included auto-update affects the operation of Instagram and most clutters up space. But new versions are needed to improve social network work, remove errors and crashes that could arise when working with a social network.

One way to limit memory consumption is Use the application only when necessary. With one of The version introduced the function “Your actions”. User can track the amount of time he spends in social network.

Clear Instagram Cache

To clear the cache, you can use two methods:

  • through manual removal. Go to the “Storage” section and select “Removing the cache”;
  • Install the application: Ccleaner, Clean Master.

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The first procedure should be performed at least once a week. Second – carried out automatically if self-cleaning is indicated. But more often applications send notifications that the device’s memory filled out.

The disadvantage of third-party cleaners is that, in addition to the cache, they can clean and useful information. This includes data cleansing: logins and passwords that are specified for automatic login applications.

Or copies of files that were created to work correctly. Choosing one of the methods you need to initially view information that will be deleted by the client. With manual method the user is prompted to separately delete the “Other” section and himself “Cache”.

On iPhone

For devices running iOS, use the Battery app. Life His tasks include removing the accumulated cache, as well as files that were created from standard utilities.

Instructions on how to start and clear the cache:

  1. Go to the AppStore – or download Battery Life from here.
  2. Install and open.
  3. Select: “Clean” – wait for the application to analyze files.

Unlike Android, iOS removes temporary files. almost impossible. Only some applications in which built-in cache cleaning, can be reduced. When working with utilities for Cleaning up data may cause problems and malfunctions.

It’s easier to uninstall the application and reinstall it. Thus, the data will be erased, and the occupied space will be freed. But after Removing you need to restart your smartphone and go to the “Storage” section, to verify the amount of available memory.

On Android

You can clean a place on Android as standard tools, and third-party. For example, use the function: “Delete temporary files.” The procedure involves removing excess data, leaving passwords and logins to enter.

How to clean manually:

  1. Go to the device settings.
  2. Storage and Memory – Internal.
  3. Press – select the last item “Cache”. Cache data on InstagramCache data on Instagram
  4. The message “Delete temporary files” appears.
  5. Confirm deletion.

Or, download and install from the Play Market:

  • Clean Master. An application that runs in the background and notifies if memory is full;
  • Ccleaner. Standard and simple, designed to be removed errors and reports;
  • Nox Cleaner. With optional acceleration function devices.

Deleting files in all applications is almost the same: first, the system analyzes the occupied space, and after – offers to clean. The only thing you need from the user is permission to access the camcorder and storage.

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Reinstall Instagram

In the case when free up space through third-party the application fails, you can use the “reinstall” method. You need to delete and download Instagram again to free space. With Android devices, this method will only work temporarily – until the next installation. On iOS, reinstalling and downloading again will not only delete the previously filled cache, but also help optimize the space.

It is important that when you uninstall the application, the data will also be cleared to enter, that is, logins and passwords. After re-entering, the user will have to enter information without prompting.

On iPhone

On iOS, there are two ways to remove utilities: after a long Click or the “Settings” section.

To remove the first method:

  1. Open the desktop – hold your finger on the desired application.
  2. Wait until the icon in the form appears on top of the icon “cross”.
  3. Click on it – Delete.
  4. Go back using the “Home” button.

The second option is advanced: the user can see the volume occupied memory and sizes of other applications:

  1. Go to Settings – General.
  2. IPhone Storage – Select Instagram from the list.
  3. Specify the “Delete” option.

Or, in other versions, go to the “Statistics” – Show all programs. The list of installed utilities and information for each.

After the user has deleted Instagram, he needs install again. Pre, reboot the device and Check for free storage space. to install Instagram: go to the AppStore and find among the list of popular applications.

On Android

You can delete Instagram on Android in the same way – by clicking finger on the application icon or by going to standard settings.

How to remove from the list of utilities:

  1. Go to “Options” – Applications. Instagram uninstall applicationInstagram uninstall application
  2. Select from the list “Instagram” – Delete. Delete Instagram from phoneDelete Instagram from phone

Another way is to remove it from the Play Market:

  1. Go to the content store – find Instagram.
  2. Click on the card – select “Delete”.
  3. Wait for the end of the process.

As with iOS, you can reinstall on Android through re-download. The problem is that Instagram takes a lot places on iPhone or Android is not always solved by reinstallation. At next download and active use, the memory will be full also fast.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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