Instagram Business Content Ideas


How to make an account interesting and find buyers for business in Instagram? The most important thing is the content. No ads and bloggers will make you sales if your account is half-dead. Nobody and nothing will buy if the account posts in the style of “good morning / how were your weekend “and once a week a post with advertising of goods. For serious works need quality photos and a content plan.

Instagram Business Content Ideas

Who you are

Your account should always be clear who you are and what do you do. This should be clearly written in the header. Avoid template phrases like “create beauty.” Write clearly and on business, if your account’s main goal is sales, not inspiration. Even creative spheres are no exception. The emotions that people come for on Instagram, they can be in posts, stories, live broadcasts.

  1. Who you are and what you do, how you differ from your competitors.
  2. Make a video about the company: video from production, from your courses, from your store etc.
  3. History: how the idea came about, how it was realized.
  4. Interviews with the manager and employees (if any), with partners and customers.
  5. Interviews with celebrities or famous bloggers who use your goods / services.
  6. Company’s news.
  7. News from your industry.
  8. Mission and goals: what motivates you, what problem do you want solve.
  9. Successful “cases” – stories of how you managed to solve this or that a problem.
  10. How do you communicate with customers: how to place an order, how to solve any question.
  11. Media publications: blogs, tv / radio, youtube, etc.
  12. Errors and what kind of experience received. No one is perfect, but important show that you learn from mistakes and become better.

content for business on Instagram products


Posts about your products are selling. An online store may at least every post should be with a product card (photo, description, price, how to order). Such posts will have low coverage, but you will be charged for due to their number. If the product is expensive, then it makes sense to do detailed posts about production, quality, examples of use and etc.

  1. Tell us about your products, about competitive advantages.
  2. Post-card product: tell us about a specific product: how use for whom it is suitable.
  3. Discounts and promotions on goods.
  4. Production of goods: how and from what you make, what you use in work. Show large seams / materials, etc. You can download this video on IGTV, where it will remain forever.
  5. How to control quality
  6. History of creation: how it all began, how the goods changed from time. It used to be so, then we began to do better – so that.
  7. Examples of using the product.

content for business on Instagram services


Posts about your services are selling. Usually one post in the day is more than enough. In this case, it’s corrupt (with description services) there may be a minimum. Your task is maximum involvement. and coverage. Try to reach 40-60% of subscribers. For this requires that each post collect as many likes and comments. Accordingly, make posts capacious, show subscribers their expertise.

  1. Tell us about your services, what and how you do, what you are better competitors. If nothing, then this is a good reason to think that can be improved in your work.
  2. A post about each individual service. What are the options cooperation with you. Write the prices! At least minimum-maximum.
  3. Discounts and promotions for services.
  4. Describe the workflow. How does work with a client begin? how do you communicate what comes out.
  5. How did you start: education, work experience, how did you come to Instagram.
  6. Case: describe the experience with a particular client. Customer wanted to get such a service – I found you – how you helped him.

content for business on Instagram reviews


Honest reviews are one of the best ways to sell. To people to them believed, give links to your customer accounts, shoot videos. If you do not have reviews yet or customers are too lazy to give them – find bloggers to work on barter; arrange a promotion for those customers who will leave a review.

  1. Customer reviews about the product / service: text, video.
  2. Interviews with customers.
  3. Customer surveys.
  4. Reviews bloggers.
  5. Promotion: discounts for customers who leave feedback.
  6. Launch of a new product / service at a discount for feedback.

Lists, checklists

Such posts are very often maintained, which means they increase engagement. Remember that all kinds of lists can not be made only from their goods / services. Make really useful content, including on related topics.

  1. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
  2. A checklist on how to evaluate the quality of a product / service.
  3. Checklists with useful content. For example, a makeup artist may make a checklist of cosmetics on vacation. Stylist – check list clothes / accessories.
  4. A selection of useful books / sites.
  5. A selection of training materials / courses.
  6. List of useful programs / services.

Instagram business post ideas

Instructions, useful articles

Educational content shows that your products are made by experts, and then do it well. If you have services, then such content may to be the main one in your account, as you prove not in word but in deed that you can be trusted. At the same time, learn to write in an accessible language, and not “like in a textbook”, otherwise no one will read.

Do not forget about Stories and especially Direct Ethers. Live Hour is a full webinar where people can meet you and ask questions. They bring together better than any post and it’s easier for a person to order / buy from you a service product.

  1. Instructions for use for beginners / for advanced. Text / photo / video.
  2. Professional instructions (if selling services). For instance, the photographer can give advice on posing, etc.
  3. Educational articles on your topic. If you don’t know what to write about, ask subscribers, you can upload a question or do a survey in Stories.
  4. Reviews
  5. Post-answer to the question from the subscriber.
  6. Ways to solve a problem.
  7. Consultations of invited experts in your field, mutual PR.
  8. Expert advice, but already live. ?How to invite friend live.
  9. Live webinar.

entertainment content for business on Instagram

Entertaining content

Such content will help on the one hand once again remind about to subscribers, and on the other – do not bother them with constant sales. Try to create viral content – whatever they want share with friends. Follow trending topics and write them in your content.

Besides humor, you can try storytelling – tell stories and life, so that new posts are expected as a continuation of the series.

  1. Polls.
  2. Contests.
  3. Humor.
  4. Provocative posts.
  5. Life Stories.
  6. Reviews of films / books on the topic.
  7. Motivation / inspiration.
  8. Ratings
  9. Situational Marketing – Original Congratulations on holidays and reaction to current events.

The most important thing for any business on Instagram is to find what works just for you. There are no perfect formulas – do so and everything will turn out. Need to try different types content, monitor statistics. At the same time, look not only at likes and comments, but primarily for reach and sales. If better everything you buy, when in each post – a description of the new goods, then do so. But it happens and vice versa, the whole account from useful articles, and sales only once a month, when subscribers are already “heated” – they trust you and are ready to buy your course / consultation and etc.

? Instagram stories for a business account?

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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