Instagram hands-free mode



Updated – May 23, 2019

Free hands on Instagram – a mode in history, with with which you can record video without having to hold buttons on the screen.

That is, just press the button once to go video recording. Then complete the recording in the same way.

Instagram hands-free mode

  1. Чтобы включить режим касаемся новостей Instagram hands-free mode в левом нижнем углу.
  2. Сверху касаемся своей аватарки Instagram hands-free mode (история).
  3. В нижней части экрана выбираем режим “Свободные руки” Instagram hands-free modeInstagram hands-free modeInstagram hands-free mode.
  4. Касаемся кнопки Instagram hands-free modeInstagram hands-free modeInstagram hands-free mode, чтобы записать видео.
  • The video is divided into segments of 15 seconds;
  • Segments can be deleted (tap and hold a segment, then нажмите на иконку Instagram hands-free mode).
  1. Чтобы завершить запись касаемся той же самой кнопки Instagram hands-free modeInstagram hands-free modeInstagram hands-free mode.
  2. Further, you can supplement the story with various effects (see article: how to add a story on Instagram).
  3. If the story is ready, select the recipient and share it with your friends.

Video tutorial on the topic: hands-free function. How to use?

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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