Instagram quiz: popular questions + creation instructions


The content of the article:

Instagram Quiz is a special sticker designed for user surveys. Questions for Instagram Quiz are different: from highly specialized topics to funny ones.

The most interesting quiz questions on instagram

Interesting questions for the quiz can be selected from the list:

  • Choose the correct answer: “What came before: the egg or a hen?”;
  • Ask users to guess what is shown in the background image. Pre-add a picture as a background;
  • “What fruit do you want to try in the summer: cherry, strawberry or watermelon”;
  • Give viewers the opportunity to choose the next content type: photo, product review, video or funny story Profile owner
  • Historical Facts: “Who Invented Wi-Fi?”, With Options Answers
  • Mathematical: “What numbers are called natural?”
  • Questions with a catch: “The train is traveling at a speed of 70 km / h. In which side is the smoke flying? “;
  • Interesting questions: “What happens if you turn three times right?”;
  • Funny: “How many programmers do you need to spin a light bulb? “,” What can not be eaten for breakfast? “;
  • Thematic: “Which genre of films / books do you prefer?”.

In addition, the section of interesting questions includes: political, news, well-known topics.

For personal pages, questions about the owner are suitable profile. Online shopping and other resources will come up with questions, which relate to the brand and the services provided. For example, the opinion customers, product creation date and more.

Quizzes about yourself on Instagram – what to ask

Questions about oneself are one of the most popular among users. Instagram. This category includes fun facts that can only friends or acquaintances know.

Blog Owners Also Create Unusual Instagram Quizzes Storys, where they ask questions with answers from publications. I.e, the user creates a post where he talks about himself, after – does quiz with questions.

What are the ideas for the Quiz:

  • What city do I live in?
  • What was the last post on Stories (except Trivia)
  • What features do I have in appearance?
  • Guess my favorite vacation spots;
  • Guess how much time I spend on Instagram?
  • What is my pet’s name?
  • What flowers / cars do I like?
  • How many years have I been on Instagram?

-> Как сделать градиент в Инстаграме

  • Didn’t find an answer? Ask a question, we will prepare and send you an answer by e-mail
  • Powerful Instagram account upgrade

And other, similar issues that relate specifically to the owner pages. Also, among subscribers it is possible to carry out a multi-stage Quiz Strong.

All who answered correctly are marked on the Stories below, decreasing nickname to the minimum size. Users will receive a notification, but profile names will not be visible.

How to make Instagram Quiz

You can post a Quiz on Instagram History via a sticker, which was added in one of the updates. Besides the question, the user indicates the answers, marking the correct ones.

How to create a Quiz via Stickers:

  1. Log in to Instagram.
  2. Go to the “Tape” – Stories. Go to Instagram StickersGo to Instagram Stickers
  3. Add a photo from the Gallery or take a photo.
  4. Go to stickers – find the Quiz. Quiz on InstagramQuiz on Instagram
  5. Place on picture.

There are several color options for the sticker, the ability to add up to five answer options.

To select the correct option:

  1. Set a name in the Sticker.
  2. Add options – hold your finger on the right one. Guess Instagram question answerGuess Instagram question answer
  3. It should light up in green, which means: “Selected.”

All other answers will be incorrect, therefore the author limited possibilities in selecting ideas for an interesting Quiz. The page owner will see the responses of profile visitors in the section “Spectators.” Shows the percentage of users who selected a specific option, as well as their pages.

Fields are also available to fill out the question and answers. Adding sticker, an input line will appear in the form for naming, where you can indicate: emojii, enter the whole question or leave unfilled.

Going to the answer options, a line for input also appears textual information. Maximum characters per option – 45, not including spaces.

How to answer the Instagram Quiz

In addition to what you can do on Instagram Quiz, in it can participate. Social network prompts participants correct answers, but only after choosing an option.

-> Хайлайты в Инстаграме: описание функции

That is, if the user answered correctly – on the screen Confetti will appear. If it was chosen incorrectly – the button will be filled in red. Results and answers are only visible to the profile owner. But participants are also available to view the correct options.

How to answer the Instagram Quiz:

  1. Go to other people’s Stories.
  2. Select among publications: “Quiz”.
  3. Click on the selected option. An example of a survey on InstagramAn example of a survey on Instagram
  4. Wait until the system shows whether the answer was correct.

In the Quiz, you can reset the previous answer. For this, need to re-enter another user’s temporary publications and choose the right answer, but within the first minute.

As soon as the participant answered incorrectly – appears on the screen correct answer. But, if you refresh the page after receipt of the result – only the first will be counted.

Why there is no Quiz on Instagram – the reasons

The main reason why users ask: “I don’t have Quizzes on Instagram. What to do? “- lack of updates or local problem with getting new versions.

For example, the owner of a smartphone rarely checks for updates. applications. Sticker “Quiz” has become available since April 2019 update.

Other reasons why the sticker may be missing:

  • Connect to other countries using a VPN or proxy;
  • the smartphone does not meet the technical requirements Instagram
  • regional update.

It occurs that on two different profiles on the same device – different functions. The problem is precisely the geolocation of the user and region where registration was made. If the mistake is in the update, you need to go to the Play Market or iOS and check for availability new versions.

After the update – go to the “Stories” section and try in test mode, the function of the “Sticker”. Questions for Quiz in Instagram is selected taking into account the profile topic and preferences the owner.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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