Instagram removed the subscription tab


Instagram removed the subscription tab

What happened was not expected – Instagram removed the tab subscriptions.

With its help, you could see who the person likes, on who subscribes and what comments.

Now there is no such opportunity – you can only see your updates.

Instagram removed subscriptionsInstagram removed subscriptions

Instagram removed the subscription tab

Why did Instagram refuse the “Subscriptions” tab?

According to the developers – had to abandon the function “in avoid misunderstanding. ”

Allegedly, many users did not know that others could follow their activity. And when they found out, it caused them bewilderment and dislike.

Therefore, the company decided to remove the tab

What to do? How to return subscriptions on Instagram?

I’m afraid, it is impossible. The tab began to disappear since August 2019 and gradually gets to all users.

Installing older versions of Instagram will not help, as well as use of various services.

Now it’s more difficult to monitor user updates – you have to manually watch publications to which they could leave like.

To do this, under the photo or video you need to touch the words “Like”. And you will see a list of those who liked the publication.

By the way, by 2020 they are likely to remove likes on Instagram. Already began to conduct tests around the world.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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