Quick answers on Instagram: how to add and tune


Quick replies on Instagram

You can add quick replies to Instagram to chat in direct by the prepared messages.

This is very convenient when customers need to send same text.

Quick replies on Instagram

To add quick answers, follow these steps:

  1. Открываем свой аккаунт Quick answers on Instagram: how to add and tune в правом нижнем углу.
  2. Раскрываем меню Quick answers on Instagram: how to add and tune сверху.
  3. Переходим в настройки Quick answers on Instagram: how to add and tune приложения снизу.
  4. Открываем раздел “Компания” Quick answers on Instagram: how to add and tune (доступен только бизнес-аккаунтам).
  5. We touch on “Quick Answers.”
  6. В правом верхнем углу добавляем Quick answers on Instagram: how to add and tuneQuick answers on Instagram: how to add and tune новый ответ.
  1. We are writing a message that will be displayed to the interlocutors.
  2. We indicate the word, writing which, will be displayed prepared message.
  3. Сохраняем Quick answers on Instagram: how to add and tune новый ответ.

How to set up quick replies on instagramHow to set up quick replies on instagram

Теперь в директе при вводе слова появится кнопка Quick answers on Instagram: how to add and tune, при нажатии на которую вставиться быстрый ответ.

Instagram post templatesInstagram post templates

  • You just have to complete the message and send to the interlocutor.
  • By the way, any sent message can be added to the quick answers (follow a long tap on the message and tap “Save quick response”).

How to set up quick answers on Instagram?

You can edit the workpieces in the “Quick Responses” section. (find it by the first instruction above).

В этом разделе можно добавить новый быстрый ответ Quick answers on Instagram: how to add and tuneQuick answers on Instagram: how to add and tune, либо удалить старый (коснитесь заготовки и выберите”Delete quick reply”).

Why don’t I have quick answers?

They are available only to business accounts.

Transfer your profile from personal to professional and fast answers will appear.

Video tutorial on the topic: quick answers on Instagram.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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Authoritatively about social networks
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