What kind of character are you on Instagram (masks with predictions)


What kind of character are you on Instagram

In early 2020, Instagram began to gain popularity. prediction masks.

They randomly determine which character you are from another cartoon (e.g. Disney).

Let’s figure out where to find such masks and how to apply them to to myself.

What kind of character are you on Instagram

Let me remind you how to add a mask:

  1. Go to the mask author’s account.
  2. Открываем вкладку “Эффекты” What kind of character are you on Instagram (masks with predictions).
  3. We touch the mask that I liked.
  4. Click on the “Try” button.
  5. We write the story with the selected mask.

characters on instagramcharacters on instagram

List of authors of popular masks from the series “Who are you from …”:

  • @ hughesp1 (who are you from “Pokemon”, “Emoticons”, “The Simsons”);
  • @miraslauuu (who are you from Peppa Pig, “Adventure Time”, “Very Strange Things”, “Shrek”, The Avengers);
  • @ anton.alpen (what kind of character are you from the “Office”, “Futurama”);
  • @kevinsstorm (what princess are you from Disney)
  • @arnopartissimo (who are you from the characters Disney)
  • @lukeleeofficial (who are you from “Attack of the Titans”, “What kind of superhero are you”);
  • @ nofar.shoshan (who are you from the Marvel universe, dolls “Bratz”);
  • @popkapirozhka (who are you from Sailor Moon, “The Incredible Adventures of JoJo”);
  • @mydragover (who are you from Royal Racing RuPola “);
  • @itaijamshy (who are you from items);
  • @ jull.ova (what a cat you are).

Predictions and other filters (effects):

  • @akikokoga (tips on what to do in 2020 year);
  • @ filippo.soccini (2020 predictions year);
  • @petarxiv (where to go on vacation);
  • @ estherurgell19 (names of the future wife / husband).

I recommend: top 20 masks on Instagram.

What should I do if the author’s account does not have the required mask?

Masks do not appear if the latest updates are not installed Instagram.

Although it happens that updates are installed, but all the masks equal no.

Missing Instagram masksMissing Instagram masks

The fact is that fresh updates have not yet reached a certain parts of users.

It’s worth a little while and in the new version of Instagram masks will become affordable.

More: why masks do not work.

Video lesson on the topic: what kind of character are you on Instagram.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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