Why does the user have Instagram 2 or even 3 circle in stories?


Oh, this new mod on Instagram! Noticed for some bloggers for 2 or even 3 circles in stories? Think their profile special? No, he is the same as others, like you. it just such an easy hoax. Which one – read below.

2 circles in Instagram stories

2, 3, even 10 circles in Instagram stories you see because that extra red circles (very similar to those appear when a person took off Stories), are simply painted on avatar of man. Just painted! And that’s all. No magic, but makes people poke people on the blogger’s profile in search results and comments.

Many people now even sell this service – additional circles on the avatar. So much fun. ? And you can make such an avatar and yourself. How? Read here.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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