Review on Best Craigslist Ad Tracker in theMarket


if you post on craigslist quite regularly, you really need totrack down which ads are getting you morecostumers.

Tracking your Craigslist ad is very important to see if they aregetting ghosted. It is also important to see which ad content,images, and title converts better.

You can include tracking code in each ad, track the data andcompare them with each other to scale and using the winning one andget rid of less converting ad copy, images and titles.

Instant Proxies, Post ads on craigslist from the samecomputer!

There are different tools in which can help you to track yourCraigslist ads views and clicks. Here are my favorite tools that iuse for myself and my clients.

ClickMeteris one of the best craigslist ad tracker. Theyprovide you a small HTML code that you can include in yourcraigslist and to track views.

They provide so many insights about your ad visitor. You can getinformation like:

a) Country of Origin

b) IP Address of the visitors

c) Time of Visit

d) Referral, Browserinformation etc

Please note that there are some categories where HTML tags arenot accepted so you won’t be able to use ClickMeter in followingcategories.

Job> Marketing/Ad/PR

Job> Sales

Job> Customer Service

Gigs> Computer Gigs

Services> Small Business Ads

So if you often post in above categories, ClickMeter might notwork so do not use it for these categories.

Classified Ad TrackerIs the second on mylist but I used them only for a couple of months. and canceled mysubscription because of poor customer support.

Do not use URL Shortener to track Clicks

I have seen a lot of people use URL shortenersserviceslike Google URL Shortener and Bitly etc. But these type of URLshorteners can result in getting your ad flagged orghosted.

Using these popular shortening platforms are not craigslistalgorithm friendly and can cause problems if you post ads toooften.

Most Popular URL Shortening service are spammed and blacklistedby Craigslist. You can use your own domain URL shortener orClickMeter, URL shorteners, they are really good at when it comesto changing domain names etc to avoid getting blacklisted oncraigslist.

Tracking Conversions Using Phone Number

Majority of local ads are routed through a phone number so itbecomes quite difficult to track from which ad is generating moreleads.

You can use service like Tossable digits, they provide youdisposable phone numbers that you can use to track yourconversions. Here i step by step process you can use to make itwork.

Let’s assume you have 4 different variations of ads you want totrack. With different images, Title, and Content.

Step-1) Buy 4 different phone numbers fromTossable digits. And include different phone numbers in eachad.

Step-2)Forward all your phone numbers toyour primary phone number.

Step-3 )That’s it! You can trackwhich ad is getting you more calls so you can mark it as winningad. And use the Same Images, Copy and Title to get the most out ofyour Craigslist Ad.


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James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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