How to restore my Vkontakte page after hacking or removal?


Previously, we published an article How to delete a VKontakte page? But it often happens that the user deletes the VKontakte page, and after some time he wants to restore his page, maybe deletion was erroneous, or some sort of correspondence history is needed information. If you create a new VK page, then you can’t recover all information from an old page, friends, records, message history, photos, comments, videos.

how to restore vkontakte page Recover deleted Vkontakte page is possible. Only if you did not delete the page more than 7 months ago. In the article, we consider possible options as restore page.

How to recover your page in VK after deletion

  1. First you need to go to your page Vkontakte enter your username and password. how to recover a deleted VK page if you don’t remember the password
  2. Specify the captcha code (code from the image) in the field: code from the VKontakte picture
  3. The page opens and there is blue on it. the text “Restore your page”, click on it (It will also indicate the date to which you can restore page): restore your vkontakte page after deletion
  4. The “Restore Page” button appears, click on her and the page is restored.
  5. After completing these four points, you will restore the page to VK, where your friends, photos, posts, comments are available again, news, etc.

Blocked Vkontakte page. What to do and how to recover her?

  1. If the page was blocked due to spam, or it was hacked and changed the password, well, or you can’t remember the password – in such cases, you can use the free page recovery pages, this will require: go to the page. blocked VKontakte page how to recover
  2. Enter information from the account: login or address email or mobile number to which linked page. what to do if a hacked VK page and changed the password
  3. Enter the last name that was indicated on your page. how to restore page in vk without phone number
  4. We confirm that this is your page, and that is what you want. reestablish. how to restore page in vk after hacking
  5. If this page has been linked to any number of your phone, you will receive an SMS with a verification code. It happens that the code is not immediately arrives, or the phone was not indicated, at the bottom there is special button. After change the password.

It happens that the restoration of the page is considered by employees security and it’s not always immediately possible to restore the page. If these methods of page recovery do not work, write to support service, or create a new page.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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