Rambler mail – Log in to your inbox


Entrance to the mail Rambler opens the possibility of sending and receiving emails, and other service settings. is a fairly large service, which, in addition to convenient mailbox, provides its users and a wide range of related services. Previously, he was the most popular throughout the Runet.

Now the situation has changed somewhat, but despite this, already registered users continue to work in Rambler, because they consider it comfortable, and most importantly stable mail service.

Rambler login to mail and check incoming emails

You can enter Rambler-mail here: Mail.rambler.ru.

To log in and receive a mailbox pre-registration. In order to go through this procedure go to the Rambler-mail service login site and click “Mail” button.

Registration on Rambler

Mail registration page here: id.rambler.ru

You will see the registration page, which will be consist of 2 stages.

  1. Entering personal data, it is supposed to enter the last name, first name and email address. The system will check the address for uniqueness and in if you receive a positive response, you can press “Further”.
  2. Choosing a password that will be sufficient reliability. For higher privacy, such a password must contain letters, numbers and signs. Then you should come up with security question and answer to it. This operation is necessary for password recovery procedure (if it is loss).
  3. After completing these steps, the system will congratulate the new user with successful registration.

By the same principle that Mail.ru and Yandex, the created electronic mailbox becomes for the user account for authorization on all services that provides Rambler with its customers. It should be noted that, with After registration, the system does not request a number mobile phone for increased reliability and security. This is often a determining factor when choosing mail service, as some clients do not want to bind to your account your phone number.

Mailbox Features

  • Intuitive interface (some users have the opinion that it even too simple);
  • Ease of use (this is what service developers and set for themselves, as a paramount task);
  • Communicativeness. By clicking the “Add other boxes” button, user can connect all email addresses (different mail services). Thus, you can get their layout in single system.

How to check incoming letters on Rambler

Rambler has several options for its customers. transition to viewing messages, namely:

  • The user can click on the number that shows amount of incoming correspondence (located in the main window mail service). By clicking on this figure you can start viewing incoming messages.
  • If the user is on the site and at the moment uses additional Rambler services, it will be shown on top a bar that indicates the number of incoming mail. Clicking on this figure, you can go to the viewing.
  • A great solution for users who constantly need to be in touch, will be installing the Rambler Assistant (special browser extensions).

A service such as Rambler-mail will be indispensable for a user category that favors convenience and simplicity in work. Here you will not find a bright design, overloaded with style decisions and imposing pretty useless services. If you like this approach, then good welcome to the mail. Rambler mail entrance located above in the article by direct link.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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