Rurukzna what does it mean on Aliexpress


What does Rurukzna mean when tracking products with Aliexpress?

As you know, the Chinese on Aliexpress are not always friends with the Russian tongue. Payment for professional translators and linguists also not within the scope of their interests. Because type declarations “Lover vest man winter coat large velvet men’s “can be found on Aliexpress with an enviable constancy.

Announcement Aliexpress

Such ads on Ali are far from rare.

Therefore, do not be surprised to meet when tracking a path the product we ordered is named “Rurukzna”. This word is rather awkward abbreviation of the words “Russian Kazan “. Accordingly, if your package with Aliexpress got into such a place, then with a high probability she is now located in Kazan LPC – Logistic Postal Center.

Rurukzna word

We analyze what the word “Rurukzna” means

See also: Error during customs clearance on Aliexpress.

Where is Russian Kazan located

Kazan LPC (often known as “Stolbishche”) – one of the largest mail sorting centers Russia, officially opened at the end of 2016. In competence Kazan LPC works include more than three and a half thousand branches and 74 post offices. Its capacity allows you to serve postal departures from Samara and Ulyanovsk regions, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Udmurtia and the Mari Republic. Get into Rurukzna and many international shipments (mainly from China). After which they follow further to their recipient.

SLC Stolbishte

The graveyard sorting center looks something like this

What to do if your package with Aliexpress is stuck in Rurukzna

It is not uncommon for your package to get stuck in Rurukzna, and further for some time does not change the status.

This may be due to the following factors:

Causes: Explanation:
Tracking status is not displayed correctly. In addition to the Aliexpress application, we recommend that you try for tracking other tracking services, level or In some cases, the package disappears altogether after hitting Rurukzna so that later, in a couple of days, it’s already at your post office. Because if the package is “stuck” on Kazan LPC, we recommend that you wait a couple of days until the parcel will go further.
Delivery address was incorrect. Therefore, having got to the Kazan LPC, for some time it will hang on until the specialists of the center determine its further fate
The package contains counterfeit and other types of prohibited import of products. In this case, the parcel from Aliexpress is seized, and in relation to it an investigation is underway.

Counterfeit at customs

In the case of counterfeit and other similar products, the package may be opened and goods seized

In these and other similar cases in which the package was delayed in Rurukzna, we recommend you wait a while (up to two weeks). If the parcel continues to be at this transit point, We recommend that you contact Roskomnadzor with a statement about the loss Parcels (electronic reception of Roskomnadzor will help).

Reception of Roskomnadzor

Contact the electronic reception of Roskomnadzor with the appeal

Also visit the Russian Post, where you write a statement of wanted parcels. Otherwise, you will be very waiting for your parcel. long.

Parcel Loss Statement

Application for the loss of parcel in the Russian Post

Translation of the abbreviation into Russian

Thus, we find that the word Rurukzna is the abbreviation of the two words “Russia, Kazan” and is translated into Russian like “Russia, Kazan”. If you are sure that the word “Rurukzna” there is another interpretation, then write them in the comments to this article.

Kazan LPC

Behind the word “Rurukzna” lies “Russia, Kazan”, or rather – Kazan LPC

It is useful to know: what to do if the package is with Aliexpress detained at customs.


In our material, we examined what exactly means on Aliexpress the mysterious word “Rurukzna”. And how to respond in in case one of the transit steps of the goods has such a name. Usually 1-2 days is enough to get after the Kazan LPC your shipment went on. Otherwise, we recommend notify the Russian Post and Roskomnadzor of the loss (substantial delay) of your parcel at the item considered.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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