Submitted to shipping company at destination country translation


How Submitted to shipping company at destination country translated into Russian?

Literally the status Submitted to shipping company at destination country means “Transferred to a transport company in the country destination. “That is, after its appearance, the package leaves airport and begins the last stage of movement to the final point.

When using free national mail instead of Submitted to shipping company at destination country appears dry

Russian Post does not use Submitted to shipping company status at destination country

Under the “transport company” in the case of AliExpress may hiding many different organizations. First of all, this is Mail Russia, Ukraine or another state to which it came departure. National mail package is transmitted in two cases:

  • when choosing one of the free shipping methods – not so often, because this requires an international track number;
  • when using EMS – paid courier service of the Russian Post, which delivers the package to the door of the recipient.

More often the status is Submitted to shipping company at destination country can be found if paid delivery is used. In this case easier to track the parcel through special courier services services, but on the AliExpress website itself it appears message.

For an additional fee, you can use the following services:

  • TNT Express;
  • FedEx
  • UPS
  • DHL.

These world famous companies are much more reliable than national postal services, and deliver goods dozens of times faster. They are rarely used only due to the fact that the fee for delivery when buying cheap goods can equal the cost the premise itself, or even exceed it.

If using free shipping methods, at the same stage Delivery arranged, Out for Delivery, Waiting for pick up, The consignment is being delivered et al. – they translate a little differently, but mean the same thing as Submitted to shipping company at destination country, translation which you already know.

Different companies and tracking services use different analogues of the status Submitted to shipping company at destination country.

Instead of Submitted to shipping company at destination country other statuses may be used

How long after the status of Submitted to shipping company at destination country will the package come?

Knowing how to translate Submitted to shipping company at destination country, you can determine that after this There is not much time left until the parcel is received. how many namely – depends on the service used. Each of them has its own delivery time standards:

  • Russian Post – no more than 11 days;
  • EMS – 2–4 days;
  • FedEx – 1–5 days;
  • DHL – on the day of arrival in the country;
  • TNT Express – on the day of arrival in the country.

Paid shipping methods using the status Submitted to shipping company at destination country are only good for large quantities of goods.

Paid delivery services bring the package many times faster, but it’s worth it

If the status is frozen for a longer period, contact support for the search service used missing parcel. This situation is unlikely when using paid delivery, but national mail may well be delayed. Just in case, you need to ask the seller in advance on Aliexpress send you the check that he received, passing the parcel of transport companies in their own country.

Now you know the status transfer Submitted to shipping company at destination country and you can easily figure out your tracking order. If you have other questions about Aliexpress – leave them in comments.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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