System technical error. Error code CSC_7200034


Causes of Error CSC_7200034

This error code is often encountered by users from peninsula of Crimea when referring to a Chinese store. This a technical problem does not appear immediately, but after several Enjoy the shopping. Also occurs in cases of updating the application from AliExpress. Since most likely the lock tool is embedded developers in the latest version of the program. In some cases error CSC_7200034 can be caused by failures on the company’s servers. After some time, sometimes it is possible to enter the site and create order.

Less often, but still this problem can be overcome by perseverance, which it means trying to create an order and successfully pay for it. Sometimes this requires 2-3 attempts, and sometimes 10 or more.

Sign in

Login to AliExpress

But if you want to completely fix the problem, so as not to encounter her in the future, follow our recommendations.

This may be useful: ISC_RS_5100102051 error in AliExpress.

Fixing problem in AliExpress mobile app

In the application with the code in the system CSC_7200034 also face users from different countries. Even those that are not in lists blocked for technical reasons. Begin such problems after the system automatically updates the application the store. Or users do it manually. If in the past version of problems with the purchase on Aliexpress did not arise, it can be return. To do this, visit the forum and download the version.

Link to download the old version

Link to download the old version of the application

For you to be able to download files, you need register on the forum. In this case, no more settings in Do not perform AliExpress personal account or other parameters necessary.

Download old version file

Download file from the old version of the AliExpress store

Install the old version of the application, log in and working with her as before. To technical error in notification with code CSC_7200034 did not bother. Those who have already tested the outdated version is recommended to add goods to the basket through web browser. And pay with a wallet Yandex money.

See also: error during customs clearance in Aliexpress.

Solution for technical system error CSC_7200034 in Google Chrome

Web browsers often get errors when switching to or another site. Temporary failures are a consequence of filling the cache and cookies. For various reasons, this data may be incorrect. saved in the browser. And as a result – we are faced in Notification browser with code CSC_7200034. Should delete these data and try again to access your personal account on Ali Express.

Consider this process on the popular Google browser. Chrome:

  1. Click on the menu button in the upper right corner and select “Settings”;

    Choose your browser settings

    Choose your Google Chrome browser settings

  2. On the left in the menu, click on the “Advanced” item and select “Confidentiality and security”;


    On the left, open and select “Security”

  3. In the middle block of the browser window, select the “Clear” settings item history “;

    Clearing History in Chrome

    Click on “Clear History”

  4. In this window, check the boxes at all points and select at the top is “All Time”;

    Delete Chrome data

    Select all items and click “Delete Data”

  5. Click the “Delete Data” button below.

Then restart your browser and open the AliExpress store. Repeat the steps that led to the code issue. CSC_720034. You will need to log in to the service again, so like the files that are responsible for autocomplete login form also have been deleted. Use this method for any technical system problems.

See also: Sorry, you have no authorization to access this page on AliExpress.

Troubleshoot on Aliexpress with VPN for browser

If an error with incomprehensible code is not solved by data cleaning browser or an earlier version of the store application, then you Encountered IP blocking. These are the main ways to fight different Internet services with regions that for various reasons should not visit the site. For the reason that the method is popular, to combat these are simple tools. For example, extensions for your browser. They are installed and work using practically one button.

Extensions in Google Chrome

Extensions in Google Chrome for changing IP

Any extension that is fast is suitable for our task. will change our host country in the browser.

Install extension

Install the extension in Google Chrome

In the Google Chrome web browser, go to this address. Select here is one of the free and affordable solutions and install it. IN extension, find the “Change Region”, “Change Region” button, etc. d.

Change of region

Change of region in expansion

And change the region to access your personal account on AliExpress.

New account on AliExpress, if an error occurs with a code CSC_7200034

If the previous methods did not help you circumvent a technical error on the site of AliExpress, try to perform a combined instructions. This means that you will need a new browser, a new AliExpress account, as well as help expand the VPN. Browser any can be downloaded: Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome. If you already created your account in the store, you probably know how do it again. Also download one of the shift apps country, if a notification occurs under the number CSC_7200034.


Change index when specifying an address

Due to the fact that the goods may be blocked in the system according to your postal code that you leave at registration – its also should be changed.

Order Data

Order data entry form

But through the fraction, indicate your real index with a note that you need to pack the package on it (for the Russian postal service). In a similar way, you can get around a technical error. system on Aliexpress, which has the code CSC_7200034.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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