Why on Wildberries paid delivery 200 rubles


What does the Wildberries store offer?

Wildberry – is an international Russian online store, in where you can buy various goods: shoes, clothes, electrical equipment for the home and more. The store provides its services not only in Russia, but also in Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Kazakhstan. In 2016-17, it was considered one of the largest Internet sites of the Russian Federation. Often you can find new collections here. clothes of Russian couturiers and popular brands.

The store offers a large selection of products and their various categories:

  • Kids toys,
  • Appliances,
  • Sports and baby food,
  • Products for home and garden,
  • Electronics
  • Holiday gifts,
  • Jewelry and more.


    Wildberry Product Categories

At the same time, one of the most pleasant bonuses for customers Wildberry online store was free shipping to any region of Russia. The same sentence extended to other countries.

Why it’s necessary to pay delivery to Wildberry today

For unknown reasons, owners of the Wildberries retail chain changed their mind regarding free shipping. Paid delivery of 200 rubles per purchase extremely outraged all customers in the internet. Many intend to stop buying here and find another, a shop more loyal to customers.

But it is not so. You need to pay two hundred rubles only in in the event that the price of the goods is less than 10,000 rubles. And % ransom less than 20. If you buy something more expensive than 10 thousand rubles, and cash payment will be more than 20% of the amount of goods, then the conditions Delivery remain the same.

These are the new conditions of the store. Everyone knows that most purchases in Wildberry – these are goods with a price of less than 10 thousand rubles. AND this step on the part of the owners proves once again that free cheese only in a mousetrap. This was done rate.

Most likely, such conditions were caused by the following factors:

  • Too large percentage of buyers live in remote settlements. The company spends on delivery to these customers significant funds. Therefore, it was a decision to take action and make delivery is paid;
  • Central pick-up points often become overloaded. It is for such deliveries that it may be paid. So that the goods delivered to the buyer for free, you can try to choose not loaded pickup point;
  • Some buyers implicitly refused the goods, were not to delivery points. A large amount of goods had to be returned back to the storehouse. Therefore, the decision to introduce paid delivery on Wildberry in 200 rubles will not only solve the problem with spending on refund, but also make buyers relate to the purchase more responsibly.

Opt out Wildberries

In all popular online stores there is an opportunity refuse an already completed application for the purchase of goods. Exactly You can also cancel the order at Wildberry. If you paid for the goods On the site, you must do the following:

  1. Go to your personal account on the site;
  2. Нажмите на пункт “My delivery” ;

    Мои доставки

    My deliveries to Valdberries

  3. Find the desired product in the list;
  4. Нажмите пункт “Cancel delivery” . In this case should pop up a window where you will be asked the question: where to return the funds. Select the appropriate option.

    Отменить доставку

    Cancel delivery Wildberry

This is not the only way to refuse. You can apply for store hotline and ask to help you. To do this, type number 8800100 75 05. For calls from Russian regions The call is free. The operator will ask the following questions: number your phone, your personal data, as well as information about your order. This does not mean that you can definitely refuse the goods and return the money spent. After your request, the operator independently makes decisions regarding your appeal. The results can be seen after a while.

User reviews about Wildberry

In the official group VKontakte, users leave a large number of questions about the innovation. But the group administrator not in a hurry to answer them. Here you can find a large number cases that upset buyers. It also happens that users have to pay not only the order, but each goods from the order. Every day becomes dissatisfied messages more. And everyone claims to no longer intend to continue collaborate with a web service. Let’s see, maybe buyers will be able to reason the owners Wildberry. And they will cancel the paid delivery of 200 rubles.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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