Www.Gosuslugi.ru https – Personal account entrance: registration


The content of the article:

  • 1 How to register on gosuslugi.ru
  • 2 Login to gosuslugi.ru for registered of users
  • 3 3 gosuslugi.ru account levels
  • 4 Notifications on the portal www.gosuslugi.ru
  • 5 Section “Documents” in your account https://www.gosuslugi.ru

How to register on gosuslugi.ru

You can register on the www.gosuslugi.ru portal for several ways. If you are a client of one of the banks of Post Bank or Tinkoff, You can register on the site of one of them. After checking data you automatically get a full account without the needs of visiting banks or other institutions. Consider standard registration on the site.

  1. First you need to go through a simplified registration – go to website https://www.gouslugi.ru/.
  2. Click on the “Register” button.

    Registration button on the public services website

    Registration button on the public services website

  3. In the following form you need to indicate your name, mobile phone, and also an email address. After filling out the form, click Register button.

    Form for entering data for registration on the public service website

    Form for entering data for registration on the public service website

  4. In the next field you need to confirm your mobile number. A numerical code will be sent to the phone you specified. enter in the form to confirm. Enter it and click “Proceed”.

    Confirm Mobile Phone Number

    Mobile Phone Number Verification

  5. A letter will also be sent to the indicated email address for confirmation box.
  6. Next, you will need to invent a password by which you can enter to your personal account on the site.

Everything, the account is created. Now we need to enter the personal cabinet on the site and confirm other personal data and documents. Before of this, some sections of the site will not be available to you. After confirmation you can use the sites to the fullest. Than the more you enter your data, the more services can take advantage. For example, for the traffic police service – number and other data of a driver’s license, for the tax service – identification code and so on.

The link to your personal account is in the upper block, click it. You will see a page for editing data. Here you need indicate all your documents that you have – passport number, SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy, driver’s license, TIN and others. After that you You can use the main services of the site – payment of fines, taxes, filing applications and much more through your personal account (LK).

The process of checking and approving your entered data will be checked in the time interval from 15 minutes to 1 day. Checked your information automatically by checking with already existing database.

Login to gosuslugi.ru for registered users

The process of entering the public services portal is quite simple. For this you You will need the password that you specified during registration, and the number mobile phone.

  1. On the main page, where you clicked the button “Register”, click “Login.” She is a little higher.
  2. Enter your mobile number.
  3. Enter your password below.

    The form of entry to the portal of public services

    Login form for public services portal

  4. Click Sign In.
  5. You can enter SNILS instead of a phone. To do this, over the form Login tab “SNILS” and enter it into the field.
  6. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the hint, which is below the form. After clicking on the link “Forgot password? “a window will open where you need to enter your mobile number or E-mail address. Your password will be sent to it. entrance.

3 levels of gosuslugi.ru account

There are 3 account levels in gosuslugi.ru service – simplified, standard and confirmed. Simplified Record the user receives during standard registration, indicating the last name, name, email address and mobile phone. At the same time you are already registered, but limited in actions on the site. For example, you you can’t order a foreign passport, because the data that this is necessary, there are no public services on the portal.

You can upgrade your account to a standard level, indicating the identification code and SNILS. After entering they must pass verification in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the Ministry internal affairs. This process can take an average of two hours. up to a few days.

In order for your account level to rise to confirmed, you must visit one of the Centers on your own service. The address of such a center can be found on the website https://www.gosuslugi.ru in your account after registration, indicating the region of Russia in which you are located. After receiving verified account each user can create an individual entrepreneur record yourself or legal entity. You can check your account level in your personal data.

Notifications on the portal www.gosuslugi.ru

After entering the public services portal, some sections and features (depending on the level of your account). Section Notifications will display all events that are related to your account. Here you can find applications for services, various payments, debts, as well as draft application forms, which you started to create. It looks like a function in electronic by mail – if a letter is created but not sent, it goes to drafts.


Section “Notifications” on the website of public services

This section will display process information. receiving those or other services that you ordered. This will also be to receive information about the amount of its payment and more. It is very comfortable, when you expect a response from some service, you will find the answer in the “Notifications” section. After moving to a specific notification, you can see all the attached files, the ability to print documents, review the story. If you open the document from the draft, the system will automatically redirects you to the desired section to complete the filling.

You can set up notifications in your account. They can receive at the specified email address on your mobile in as an SMS message, as well as through a special application that allows you to receive PUSH notifications. To do this, select the button menu in this section and checkmark the items that you fit. In the settings on the left, horizontal types are displayed. notifications, and on the right vertically displays where the notification should come.

Set up notifications

Set up notifications

Section “Documents” in your account https://www.gosuslugi.ru

In the “Documents” section, you will find everything related to your added documents: their validity periods, information about who issued, series and more. You can use this section in any situation, especially by the way, when there are no paper copies under by hand. To obtain information on a specific document, you must just select it from the list. Therefore, it’s in your interests to add the full amount of data on their documents on the site.

It will also be useful, because you do not have to enter additional information on the required document each time. System site monitors the validity of documents. When in one of them the deadline will come to an end, you will receive a notification about this, and the site will also provide an opportunity to create an application for new documents. All this can be done on https://www.gosuslugi.ru in your account after registration and entrance.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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