88007070070 Whose hotline is this?


Which organization owns the number 88007070070

Phone 8800707 0070 is the number of Sberbank. is he refers to the sales department. From it usually call customers who ordered a plastic VISA card. Notify that the product is ready and that it can be picked up. They can call and offer new products and those who already have cards.

In that the number probably refers to Sberbank, you can find out on the official page of the institution at:


This page is about how to recognize a fraudster by the telephone. It also provides a table with all service bank numbers. If you introduced yourself by phone as employees Sberbank, you can tell them to call back. Thereafter open the table and try to find the number from which it was made a call.

Sberbank Phone Number Table

Numbers that are registered in the name of Sberbank

Customer reviews on the number 8800 7070 070

From the number 8800 7070 070 usually call customers in several cases:

  • If a person has applied for a mortgage, they can call him for clarification of any details;
  • Sberbank call center calls on pension issues transfers to the account;
  • Notify of loan debt;
  • Calls may be promotional.

    Customer Reviews

    Customer reviews on the number 8 800 7070 070

Those who already had to communicate with representatives of the bank on This number is claimed to be able to call several times a day. When answering, the operator clarifies whether he communicates by calling the name and last name of the client. Despite this, you can meet those who claims that the scammers are calling. They also claim that they can call at 2 a.m. This is most likely people say who want to increase the effect of their statement and prove your point of view. Bank employees can make calls from 8:00 until 20:00, during its working day.

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Why are they calling you?

One of the facts that scammers call is on the forums indicate that they are calling even if you are not a customer Sberbank. Users wonder where they might have numbers. non-customer phones. This can also be explained quite simply. You yourself could express a desire to become their client for several years back. But over time, they forgot that they filled out an application for credit card. Therefore, your phone was in the bank database. And they call you from the hotline number 8800 7070 070.

Such citizens are on the priority list for dialing to first place. If they fail to convince you in time that their bank best, you just find another. So, like today’s lifestyle It’s pretty hard to imagine without a credit card. Such base numbers are valuable data for such institutions. Your phone can find in another accessible place.

When registering on social networks, users leave their contact information. In the “About Me” form, you can often find a mobile user phone number. If you posted it on public display – then third parties have the right to use it in their own way discretion. And if you visit advertising boards on the Internet, you can find offers to buy a list with several thousand mobile rooms for a certain amount.

Find out: who called 89515200611.

How to avoid being in the list of phone numbers

Users received several calls from a bank representative, but questions and indignation already arise about this. But if imagine that a person can have several credit cards from different banks. He probably just has nowhere to go from calls and offers. You can call technical support of the bank and ask to exclude your number from the database for advertising and other offers. Sberbank Support Number – +7 495 500 55 50. The call is free from anywhere Of Russia.

If you do not want to be called from financial institutions and offered their products, you must follow simple rules. First of all, be stingy on the Internet for personal information. On the many portals and social networks can create a profile without the need enter the phone number. If you use bulletin boards, then here you can offer as a contact – email address mail. Or read how to change the phone number on Avito.

Do not call any data unknown to the phone, so that they didn’t tell you. If you require personal information – just disconnect. Most likely they are scammers. Not a single bank in which you have an account, it will not require any data from you. When calling employees simply ask their clients whether they They talk, saying the name and surname.

In no case should passwords or codes be called confirmations that may come to your phone. If you not sure that the bank employee is calling you by the hot number lines 8800 7070 070, disconnect and check this information on official website or by all-Russian support number.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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