How to come up with a name for a group in VK


The content of the article:

  • 1 Basic Tips for Creating a Beautiful Title for community
  • 2 Examples of the name for the group “Vkontakte”
  • 3 Tips to Promote Your Community
  • 4 Names for the group in Vkontakte in English
  • 5 Conclusion

Key tips for creating a beautiful title for community

So, if you are interested in what you can call a VKontakte group, then I recommend to pay attention to the following:

  • Decide on the target audience of the group. If it is a youth environment, then you need to choose something easy and catchy, possibly using popular youth slang. If your group is dedicated to serious scientific problems, then its decorate the name with appropriate scientific terminology, which in fully emphasizes the spirit of your group;

    We analyze our target audience of the public

    Analyze your public target audience

  • Be original. Common names usually already busy, and in Vkontakte probably already exist groups with the appropriate name. Turn on creativity and add to the template name some catchy word, it can give a popular cliché of qualitatively new paints;
  • Use keywords. Search engines Yandex and Google find your group by keywords, and if you want to increase the quality of your group’s traffic, then in the name of the group must contain the desired keyword (or even some). However, an excessive number of keywords in the name public may adversely affect overall perception its names, because it would be better to use one or two key words like Psychology, Women’s Clothing, and so on.

    Use keywords in the title

    Use keywords in the title

At the same time, pay attention to what will be the most competitive and visited the group that in its name will have a direct occurrence of a key request. Therefore, do not change or modify a keyword in the group name, it can most directly affect her attendance.

  • Avoid using foul language in the title groups. In most cases, this can lead to Banu
  • Talk with friends and acquaintances. One a head is good, two are better, and a lot is excellent at inventing VK group names.
  • Decide on title and description. If title – this is the name of the group, in which it is necessary to include key words, then description (from English – description) is a description of your group of no more than 150 characters. This description should to carry the essence of your group, having read which you would like to have come in. In addition, it is advisable to saturate the description with key in words, this will make it easier for your search engines to work with your group;

    Illustration Display Description

    Description Display Description

  • Learn the competitor public. Name of your groups in a social network should not repeat the names of existing Public, especially already promoted and with high popularity, otherwise your group will simply get lost on their background. Be original and creative, look for something of your own that will create beautiful names of VKontakte groups;
  • Do not use the group name too long, and even with complex terminology. This usually leads to visitors will avoid your group;
  • Use sites that collect statistics on key queries (e.g. Wordstat), this will allow track the most popular queries, and take them into account when creating group name.

It was also very useful to social users. my network last article on listening to music without going to VK.

Examples of the name for the VKontakte group

If you are interested in the original names of Vkontakte groups, then pay attention to the names of popular publics, rate them features, and, starting from this, come up with something of your own.

In particular, names such as:

  • Decent movies
  • Laugh to tears
  • The statuses for which the class is set
  • Female secret
  • Music + –
  • Culinary masterpieces
  • Secrets of Success
  • Choose your status
  • Notes of a Millionaire
  • P.O.H – just really good
  • Always say yes!
  • The mystery of Einstein
  • Thoughts from …
  • 5 smart thoughts
  • 5 useful tips
  • Let’s make a happiness
  • Modern girl
  • Cool tricks
  • Slaughter humor and others.

At the same time, do not forget to compare your options with existing ones. group names, perhaps this name has already been invented before you.


Name Search Tips

Tips for promoting your community

In order for your group to flourish in Vkontakte, it’s not enough to come up with a vivid and memorable name for it. It is necessary to regularly fill it with fresh contents, to please users interesting and fresh materials, otherwise the frequency Visits to your public will fall over time.

Botovod Application

Botovod app

To increase the attendance of a group, you should think about using special software tools (level Botovod), they have proven their practicality and effectiveness in this sphere.

Names for the group in Vkontakte in English

If you want to come up with a name for the group in Vkontakte on English, then when creating such a name is use the same principles that I described just above for groups in Russian. Learn the names of English speaking groups “Vkontakte”, be original, use in the name of the group keywords and don’t forget about query statistics. Wherein, as English speakers (and related to English and culture) groups are also quite common in VK (statistics gave out about 38 thousand different groups, one way or another connected with English), you will have to make an effort to The name was bright and original.

Alternatively, you can think of interesting abbreviations, to for example:

Make your English like is professional- makenglishpro

English speaking society – engsociety

Study English in Skype – studyengskype and others.

You can also use banal, easily understandable, English-speaking phrases, or their analogues. For instance:

English is fun

Just english

English for life

English EveryDay

Daily english

And so on …



In the process of inventing a name for a group on Vkontakte, First of all, pay attention to the tips listed by me on creating a name for your group. Be sure to consider specifics of SEO, and do not forget that a unique and vibrant name for groups is not the only component of the success of your project. More important is the constant novelty of the materials, their quality and relevance, as well as the desire of the creator of the group to give development his public all his strength. “Patience and a little effort”.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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