How to find out how others have recorded in the telephone


A mobile application that helps me find out how I’m recorded with others in phone

Getcontact in a relatively short time existence has already earned a lot of both positive and negative reviews. Before installing it, we We recommend that you familiarize yourself with its requirements for the device and description on the market page. Getcontact Mobile App can be downloaded to an Android device.

Getcontact in search results

Getcontact on Google Play Search

To download it you need to open the online store Google Play and enter the name of the application in the search bar.

Getcontact Download Page

Getcontact page on Google Play

Getcontact requires phone book data when installing devices, after which a virtual account is created. All yours data will be stored on application servers even after you delete it from the phone. Below you will find instructions for deleting an account and contacts from the database. If you haven’t used it, let’s look at how to install the program.

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Getcontact – instructions for use

How to install mobile applications from Google Play you, probably already know.

Therefore, immediately proceed to its use:

  1. Click on the program icon in the main menu to launch Getcontact;

    Getcontact Icon

    Getcontact menu icon

  2. At the top of the main application menu, click the left arrow;
  3. In the search bar, enter your phone number and click ENTER on the Android virtual keyboard;

    Enter number

    Enter the number in the search bar

  4. Теперь нужно выбрать кнопку ниже “More Results” ;

    More Results

    Click “More Results”

  5. In the next window you will see all the entries or words by which you signed by your friends in your phone book.

This method is possible if your friends Getcontact is also installed. Phone books without Applications cannot be viewed through this program. But not worth it despair, because there are other ways to find out how you recorded it your friends on the phone. The application is available for mobile iOS devices.

See also: why in the VC is not heard voice messages.

NumBuster Mobile App

The NumBuster program is similar to the previous one. tool application. It was created to protect against spam, scammers and calls from hidden numbers. Download it also You can go to Google Play by entering a name in the search.

Allow access to contacts

Allow access to smartphone contacts

After installation, launch the application and allow access to the book device contacts, call history and more.

To continue using the program, you must also enter your number in international format (from +7):

  1. After some time, the application will record your data on server. At this time, you will see a screensaver with the appropriate message

    Enter phone number

    Enter the phone number in the line

  2. You will also need to check the number which has prepared an application for you. Virtual right away The call you will need to answer

    Incoming call as a check

    Incoming call as a verification of your number

  3. When the application is ready for use, you will see on the screen branded splash screen and bottom control buttons. Management menu

    Application Management Menu

    The search bar will be located at the top. If you want to find out how you recorded with a friend, enter his number Phone

    Enter phone number

    Enter your or friends phone number

  4. When the system detects it, click the “Open” button on the left profile”;

    Open profile

    Click “Open Profile”

  5. И в разделе Probable Names вы сможете найти нужнуюinformation.

    Вероятные имена

    Probable Names Block

The application provides users with various valuable information on this or that number. The database is more than 10 million contacts and almost under each of them people left their reviews. Especially there are a lot of such records in the rooms from which made cold calls, numbers of fraudsters and others. NumBuster allows you to share data on different social networks right from the page you are on.

Anyone on this network can even be selected from comments. Then find out his phone number, his name and other information about him. You can even leave this person your review.

How to find out about data leakage and how to delete an account Getcontact

When installing programs from Google Play, such as NumBuster or Getcontact users often do not report that going on. This is how the Android platform works it is necessary to ask whether it is possible to use these or those data from the device. If we give him access to contacts, then they will by and large be available to all the internet. You give permission to show not only your number other users of the application, but also provide him with everything contacts on the device and their names.

It’s not enough just to remove the program from the smartphone with a traditional way – holding the icon and moving it to the basket. This is done in a completely different way.

You do not need to delete anything yet:

  1. Open the Getcontact options, click “About Getcontact” and select “Delete account”;
  2. After that you need to visit the official website – and, having lowered the page to the very bottom, select “Unit”;
  3. Enter the phone number in the form, go through the captcha and click on Unlist button.

Now you can uninstall the Getcontact application. Find out how is recorded other phones will not work now, but your personal data will be safe.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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