How to find people on Skype


After you create an account in Skype, you must add list of contacts with whom you will communicate. We will show you how easy is it if you have any problems when adding contacts, we will show you some options solutions to the problem. how to add a contact in skype on android

How to add a contact to Skype?

  1. Upload your page and select “Contacts” Add contact: how to add a contact in skype on a computer
  2. Then you should choose in what way we will search and add a new contact. You can search by nickname or last name, first name or save the mobile number in the contact list phone. how to add user to skype
  3. When choosing the first option, write in the search bar the surname and name of the person whom we are looking for, you can write user login (search will be more accurate). how to add a new contact to skype

    Save Phone Number — Allows you to add any mobile or city number to the contact list. On the which you can call directly from Skype if you have money for program account.

  4. After entering data about the person we are looking for, press Enter and we’ll be shown a list of people with such data, in it we find the right us a person and choose him. Next, just click add to your list of contacts. how to find a friend on skype

    Before sending a request, you can write a small message.

  5. You will not be able to write messages to the person until he adds you to your contact list. But in your contact list it will be added.

It’s so simple to add a new contact to your list on a computer.

How to find a person on Skype by last name and first nameHow to find person on skype from the phone?

  1. To add a friend to your Skype contact list mobile application, open the list of contacts or conversations and Click on + in the lower right corner of the screen. how to find a person on skype from the phone
  2. Select the Search Users item. Then we will go to the search menu. search for people on skype by phone number
  3. Enter the person’s Name and Surname in the search bar, email or mobile number phone. How to find a person in Skype through the application
  4. We are looking from the list of whom we are looking for and click on this contact and send him a request for addition. Everything is very simple and easy.

Also a very useful article on how to add a person to black list on skype.

A few words to those who Skype does not add contacts. A possible reason may be the old version of the program, also a very common reason that contacts are not added to Skype is an old version of Internet Explorer, installed on the computer.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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