How to raise an ad on Avito for free


The content of the article:

  • 1 How to raise your ad on Avito for free
    • 1.1 Method number 1. Create a modified copy of an ad
    • 1.2 Method number 2. Participation in the draws from Avito.
    • 1.3 Method number 3. Reopening previously closed ads
  • 2 Paid services from “Avito” to raise ads
  • 3 Conclusion

How to raise your ad on Avito for free

As you know, the standard free ad on “Avito” located in the uppermost sector relatively short time. As other users continue to post their ads, then our ad as more and more new ads appear shifts lower and lower. Goes to the next page, and then it’s completely moving somewhere to the backyards, where it doesn’t get even the most curious user.

At the same time, it does not seem to raise an ad on Avito for free possible, since the whole Avito concept is geared specifically to getting profit, and therefore a wide offer of paid services. Not less, users search and find ways to allow for free raise your ad. In particular, these methods are as follows:

Method number 1. Create a modified copy of an ad

To implement this task, the user does not wait 30 days (as require the rule “Avito”), and goes into the settings of your account, and deletes his ad there (often marked “sold”). Through a couple of days the same user puts up a new ad, with qualitatively different photographs of the same product, another description, and the name of the ad. This procedure can be carried out several times, which allows many users to successfully hold their goods in the top.

At the same time, if you go to the process not thoroughly enough change the photo, text and title of the announcement, then the administrators of “Avito” will be able to identify your “new” ad as a copy old, and block it.

Method number 2. Participation in the draws from Avito.

Participation in various draws and lotteries from Avito if successful Concurrently, it can give you various bonuses, in particular including various opportunities to raise one’s ads. Well, if you win money, then they can also be spend on any paid service to raise your ads in the top.

Method number 3. Reopening a previously closed ad

Previously, this method worked pretty well, assuming closing the old ad, and then, after two days, it re-activation, which allowed to build a custom announcement up. Now this method is quite active blocked by site administration.


Avito’s administration is pretty tough on users, wishing to circumvent existing rules

The specified resource also has several types of paid services to keep your ad in the top similar ads. In particular, these are the following services:

  • “VIP ads” – makes your announcement noticeable to the user by placing your ad in special top VIP-block, which shows about three of these VIP ads in random order. In case of payment of VIP status for already existing announcement, the date of its creation will be automatically changed to the payment date, which automatically means first place your ad based on search results. To order this service, select “Actions with the announcement” on the page of your ads – “Make a VIP ad.” Service action – 7 days;
  • “Premium Ads” – such ads shown at the very top of the page, 4 ads per page. The service is also valid for 7 days.
  • “Ad Highlight” – your ad shown on a gold background, which attracts attention to it potential customers. Implemented through the same “Actions with announcement “, the validity of the service is 7 days;
  • “Raising the announcement” – double raising your ad in the list of available ads. Post date ads changes on the date of payment for the service, your ad gets a special gray icon. Next day your an ad will also be raised once.

Also in the materials of our site you can read in detail about how to change the phone number on Avito, and how to change the city in ad on Avito.

First of all, the owners

The owners of Avito are primarily concerned about the increase profitability of your resource


In this article, I have considered ways of how raise the position of the announcement on the Avito website for free, as well as the paid “Avito” functionality is listed, allowing you to raise your ad on this site. If you decide to use free tools, then remember that the administration of “Avito” rather scrupulous about such tricks of users, massively blocking ads raised to the top in this way. Therefore, I advise you to be very careful and careful in these things, so how insufficient attention to these issues can cause your account on Avito.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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