How to see the guests of my page In contact with?


If you have come to this page, then you want to know who visited “My Vkontakte page”, who was visiting your profile. For example, in some other social networks, such as Classmates have an official profile guest viewing feature, but Unfortunately, VK does not officially have such a function yet.

How to see guests VKontakte

There are many ways and special applications to watch. their guests Vkontakte. Let’s see if it’s possible to watch people who visited your page, and by what means do not fall for the trick.

The first working way to see visitors to your page Vkontakte, this is to install one of the popular applications: My guests and fans.

  1. Log in to your Vkontakte page
  2. Follow the link above and run this attachment: My guests in VK application
  3. After downloading an ad that you can skip after some time, you will see the tab “My guests”, where will show all who visited your page in the last time. Watch the guests of Vkontakte
  4. How does the app identify guests? Guest list in this the application is formed due to the activity of these people on your page, for example someone like. Unfortunately the application is not always accurately shows all guests.

There is one more similar application which you can run by clicking on the link: My friends (contacts, guests)

  1. After you launch the application, you will be taken to the tab “Who came in”, where you will also see people who visited your page. Watch VK guests through the app
  2. Here you can choose the interval of visits, who retired from Your friends. Here also the list of guests is formed by those who marked on the page, maybe put or looked like your photos, wall.
  3. You can also see the statistics of your Vkontakte page, there you will see the number of views and users, their age and region, but you won’t see their personal data.

The following method is also effective, it is called “Trap”.

Trap guests VKontakte

If you still have an irresistible desire to know your guests pages, this method is just for you. In the applications that we considered earlier there is a function “Trap for Vkontakte guests”.

  1. Launch the My Guests application, for example, after load the guest list, click “Home”: see guests on VKontakte page
  2. Choose “I want more guests” and see options as place your trap: how to recognize guests vkontakte
  3. After choosing a method, click on it: Statistics shows that in the “Personal site” column, the trap is more effective. All people who fall into your trap will be listed guests.

Applications for viewing guests in VK

And the last option is how to watch Vkontakte guests on your page, this is the guest trap app

  1. Follow the link above and run attachment: how to see who visited the page on VKontakte
  2. Allow the application to access your data that it will request (this is safe): who visited the page in contact
  3. In the settings tab, copy the link, and paste it in any place on your page: personal site, wall, status.
  4. You placed a trap, and now all users who are on it caught, will be marked in the tab “Caught guests”. how to see guests on VKontakte

Are there any programs for viewing VK guests?

Please note that there are no programs for viewing guests. In Vkontakte, if you find it somewhere or are asked to install it, know your page can be hacked, how can it be hacked You can read the VK page in this article.

Use those VK applications that were considered in this article, they are completely safe.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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