Name options for a group in VK with saved


How to choose a name for the group on VK

The creation of a variant of the name should be approached with all seriousness, since it’s the name that creates the first impression of the group, affects its popularity and attendance. Good name choices in consistent with the basics of marketing, SEO and SMM is able to attract to Your group has thousands of visitors from VK and most search engines. An unsuccessful name will alienate potential guests, and despite probably rich content your group can significantly miss in popularity.

When choosing a name for a group in VK with saves, consider following:

  • Decide on the theme of your group. You must clearly understand the focus of your group, especially its future content and target audience. The group “about everything and nothing” to be in the top It will be more difficult than specialized publics;
  • Choose a capacious and catchy name. It does not have to consist of one or two words, but should attract attention and cause desire to view its contents;
  • Use keyword sets. Keywords on your topic can be viewed, for example, on the service. IN in some cases congruent use in the title is justified several keywords;


    Use specialized services to determine popular keywords

  • Use original names. Cliché repetition usually doesn’t justified, because the use of “Boyan” should try to avoid;
  • Be brief, do not spread your thoughts on the tree. Brief and capacious name for the public VK 2019 with saves remembered better than a title consisting of a whole sentence or set suggestions;
  • Choose simple and affordable formulas. Too strong “browning” is able to push away the main audience from you. Because if your group doesn’t specialize in string theory, Austrian School of Economics or Impressionism then name groups should correspond to its content;
  • Avoid obscene language. For such your group may to block.
  • Properly fill in the description of the group. Her title and description – this is what will allow you to find your group with the help of search engines.

    Title and description of the group

    Properly fill in the title and description of your group

After choosing your name, drive it into the group search bar VK, and see if there are groups with the same name, and also competing groups. This will allow you to understand the features. competitive environment and content displayed in such groups.

See also: how to make a message unread in VK.

Examples of names for saved groups

Considering the above, we recommend the following examples names for groups with saved (albums in which various images):

  • Taste of happiness
  • Tenderness in photos
  • The magical world of your dreams
  • Everything is just fine
  • The Art of Photography
  • All the best in the photo
  • Names
  • Like Time
  • We and our parents
  • Color photo
  • Amazing architecture
  • Insanely beautiful landscapes
  • Edge of aesthetic pleasure
  • Feminine charm
  • Diary of happiness
  • Life hacks
  • Masterpieces of cinema
  • Loving parade
  • Coffee, Plaid and TV Series

Using and modifying these and similar names you can choose a bright name that is perfect for your creation public. It remains to enter the name of your group in a special form, and fill out other required fields.

Enter a name for your VK group

Enter a name for your VK group

Rate the result

After you’ve sorted through the name options for the group, chose the only analogue and called them a group, should be evaluated statistics of visits to your group in VK after some time (a week or two). Check the number of visits per period, write down yourself (or take a screenshot) of the results.

If the visit statistics is unsatisfactory, then try Choose a different name for the group. In a week or two again check the results and compare them with the previous values. If statistics have risen – then you should consider saving current name. If it fell – then return to the previous one name, or look for an even brighter and more memorable analogue.

This is interesting: how to see closed saves in VK 2018.


Finding a name option for your group at with savegames can be a daunting task, despite the apparent the ease of the latter. Many names may be busy, and selecting a quality alternative can take a long time. At When choosing a name, be sure to pay attention to the keywords – hit of your group depends on their competent use search engines and the influx of guests from outside.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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