Vkontakte search


Vkontakte search will help you easily and simply, and most importantly quickly find the right person, audio, community or news. At first, you can simply start a search by word (the system will knock out everything that you find) and then select the category you need. So Thus, a general search can be reduced to a particular one. Although this is the most a profitable search option, but you will understand principle. people search vkontakte The easiest thing is to type what you want find, in the search field, and then click on a more or less suitable word in the drop-down list as shown. No matter what It’s exactly what you are looking for: a person, community, group, or video.

How to search for VKontakte people?

In the search bar, enter the name and surname of the person you need, a list of all people who are registered in VK with such data to shorten the list in the fields on the right specify the city and other data about a person. how to look for people VKontakte

It will also find a lot of things except people, audio recordings, news, communities and videos, switch tabs to искать в конкретном разделе.how to search for VKontakte musicНо если вы ищите человека сcommon enough surname and first name, hardly you him see here. Therefore, using the obtained results, we make search more detailed.

You are looking for a person, so click on the word “people” as shown in the figure.

how to find a person VKontakte

So, now the search result contains only people with the desired last name and first name. Theoretically, you can see who you are looking for immediately, however, this is unlikely.

Use the search criteria based on your information about the person you are looking for. Do as shown in figure. Which criteria to choose, decide for yourself. If you know a lot information about the person whom you are looking for, then fill in all fields and immediately find the person you are looking for.

The more criteria you specify, the narrower the result. search. I would not recommend immediately indicating all possible criteria (and they are decent there, as you can see), but I would start by indicating the city and approximate age.

In most cases, the simplest criteria are enough – city ​​and age. If the number of results is not so large, do not Hurry to narrow your search by adding more criteria, first scroll through the result.

Go to your Vkontakte page right now and use search to find what interests you.

James Walls

Social Media Specialist & Influencer.

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